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Open Lookup Table


The Open Lookup Table command will read the data in a Lookup file stored on disk into a Lookup Table in the Lookup Table Window.  There are five Lookup File Formats (.LKT (or .LKT64, .CSV, .DAT,  .TXT and .XLSX) and all types can be opened with this command.  The 64-bit license of EES reads .LKT64 files, whereas the .LKT file format is intended for the 32-bit versions.  The 64-bit license can read both .LKT and .LKT64 file type.  In addition to being read into the Lookup Table, Lookup files that are stored on disk and not visible in EES can be accessed directly with Interpolate, Differentiate, LOOKUP, LOOKUPCOL, and LOOKUPROW functions.


Lookup Tables must have a title to be used with functions that operate on the Lookup Table data.  The title that is given to the Lookup Table that is read from a file is the file name without the drive and file name extension.  The title appears on a tab at the top of the Lookup Table Window.  You can change the title by right-clicking on the tab. 


See the descriptions of the Lookup File FormatsLookup Table window and the Differentiate, InterpolateLOOKUP, LOOKUPCOL, and LOOKUPROW functions for more information.


The LOOKUP table can be read with a format specification contained in a .FMT file by clicking the checkbox at the bottom right of the Open File dialog. 


Note that the $OpenLookup directive can be used to automatically open and read Lookup files.