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ClearLookupColumn (Macro Command)


ClearLookupColumn 'TableName'  'ColumnName'  Rows=1..10

Clear the values in the specified column of the Lookup table named 'TableName'.  'TableName' can be either a string constant or a string variable defined in the EES program or macro.  The column that is cleared can be identified by its name or by its column number.  The column name can be represented by a string constant or a string variable.  Alternatively, the column number can be an integer or an EES variable defined in the EES program or the macro. Rows=... is optional.  If this keyword is provided, a range of rows is provided, the command will clear the specified row range.  The row range can be specified using either integers or EES variables with their values set before the macro command is executed.


See also:  DeleteLookupColumn

