HeatExchanger5_CL models a counterflow heat exchanger with any type of fluids except 'AirH2O'. The model divides the heat exchanger into sub heat exchangers in order to capture the impact of fluid heat capacity variation. HeatExchanger5_CL takes in the inlet conditions associated with the hot and cold flows and the effectiveness and returns the conductance and pinch point DT of the HX.
F_H$ = hot fluid (can be anything but AirH2O)
C_H = concentration of solvent in hot fluid (used only for brines, otherwise ignored)
P_H_in = inlet pressure of hot fluid
h_H_in = enthalpy of hot fluid at inlet
m_dot_H = mass flow rate of hot fluid
F_C$ = cold fluid (can be anything but AirH2O)
C_C = concentration of solvent in cold fluid (used only for brines, otherwise ignored)
P_C = inlet pressure of cold fluid
h_C_in = enthalpy of cold fluid at inlet
m_dot_C = mass flow rate of cold fluid
eff = effectiveness of heat exchanger
DPoverP_H = pressure drop normalized by inlet pressure on hot side
DPoverP_C = pressure drop normalized by inlet pressure on cold side
N = number of sub heat exchanger (if set to any value <1 then default of N = 10 is used)
h_H_out = enthalpy of hot fluid leaving
h_C_out = enthalpy of cold fluid leaving
UA = conductance of heat exchanger
DT_pp = pinchpoint temperature difference of heat exchanger
$Load Component Library
$UnitSystem SI Mass J K Pa
$VarInfo h_C_in, h_C_out, h_H_in, h_H_out Units=J/kg
$VarInfo P_C_out, P_H_out units=Pa
$VarInfo T_H_Out, T_C_out, DT_pp Units=K AltUnits=C
C_C=25 [%]
P_C_in=200e3 [Pa]
T_C_in = converttemp(C,K,20 [C])
DPoverP_C = 0.01
m_dot_C = 0.25 [kg/s]
P_H_in = 400e3 [Pa]
T_H_in = converttemp(C,K,110 [C])
h_H_in = enthalpy(F_H$,T=T_H_in, P=P_H_in)
C_H = 0
m_dot_H = 0.5 [kg/s]
DPoverP_H = 0.02
N = 10
eff = 0.5
Call heatexchanger5_cl(F_H$, C_H, P_H_in, h_H_in, m_dot_H, F_C$, C_C, P_C_in, h_C_in, m_dot_C, eff, DPoverP_H, DPoverP_C, N: h_H_out, h_C_out, UA, DT_pp)
P_H_out = P_H_in*(1-DPoverP_H)
h_H_out = enthalpy(F_H$,T=T_H_out, P=P_H_out)
P_C_out = P_C_in*(1-DPoverP_C)
UA = 932.8 [W/K]
DT_pp = 44.45 [K]
T_H_out = 342.6 [K] or 69.47 [C]
T_C_out = 338.7 [K] or 65.55 [C]}