Fan3_CL provides a model of an airfoil bladed centrifugal fan that is based on curves for dimensionless pressure rise (DP/(rho*D^2*N^2)) as a function of dimensionless volumetric flow rate (V_dot/(D^3*N) and dimensionless power (W_dot/(rho*D^5*N^3)). These curves were generated by collapsing performance data from the USF Centrifugal Fan Performance Supplement from Greenheck.
F$: fluid string identifier
m_dot: mass flow rate (kg/s)
T_in: inlet temperature (K, C, F, or R)
P_in: inlet pressure (bar, atm, Pa, kPa, or MPa)
N: rotational speed (rev/s)
D: blade diameter (m or ft)
P_out: outlet pressure (bar, atm, Pa, kPa, or MPa)
W_dot: power (W, kW, or Btu)
T_out: outlet temperature (K, C, F, or R)
eta: efficiency
$Load ComponentLibrary
$UnitSystem SI Mass J K Pa
$VarInfo DP units=Pa altUnits=inH2O
$VarInfo m_dot units=kg/s
$VarInfo P_out units=Pa
$VarInfo rho units=kg/m^3
$VarInfo T_out units=K
$VarInfo W_dot units=W altUnits=hp
V_dot=6000 [cfm]*convert(cfm,m^3/s)
T_in=300 [K]
P_in=101325 [Pa]
rho=Density(Air, P=P_in,T=T_in)
N=1500 [rev/min]*convert(rev/min, rev/s)
D=22 [inch]*convert(inch,m)
Call Fan3_CL(F$, m_dot, T_in, P_in, N, D: P_out, W_dot, T_out, eta)
W_dot = 2755 [W] or 3.694 [hp]
DP = 727.7 [Pa] or 2.921 [in H2O]
eta = 0.748}