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Call Heatpipe_HGWick_CL(T_e, Q_dot, L_e, L_a, L_c, theta, R_in, Fluid$, por, tort, th_wick, R_pore, A, D_wire, Mesh, Flag: X[1..31], Power[1..31], Temp[1..31], Press[1..31])

The function HeatPipe_HGWick_CL calculates the performance of a homogeneous wick heat pipe using the program HTPIPE, translated from FORTRAN to Delphi.  



 T_e - temperature of vapor leaving the evaporator [K, C, F, or R]

 Q_dot - heat transfer rate carried by the heat pipe [W, kW, or Btu/hr]

 L_e - length of evaporator [m or ft]

 L_a - length of adiabatic section [m or ft]

 L_c - length of condenser [m or ft]

 theta - angle of heat pipe [rad or deg], note that positive corresponds to evaporator down

 R_in - inner radius of heat pipe [m or ft]

 Fluid$ - fluid ('lithium', 'sodium', 'potassium', 'mercury', or 'water')

 por - porosity of the wick [-]

 tort - tortuosity of the wick screen [-]

 R_pore - effective pore radius for maintaining pressure difference at liquid-vapor interface [m or ft]

 A - velocity profile correction factor used by HTPIPE [-]

  A is defined as u^2/V^2 where u = local velocity and V = average velocity at the evaporator exit

  A = 1.234 for laminar flow and A = 2.22 for turbulent flow

 D_wire - wire dimension for the wick [m or ft]

 Mesh - mesh for screen in US - openings/inch^2 regardless of unit system.  The units are not set for this input [-]. 

 Flag - flag to set flow condition, set to 0 to ignore

  1 = laminar vapor and laminar liquid

  2 = turbulent vapor and laminar liquid

  3 = laminar vapor and turbulent liquid

  4 = turbulent vapor and turbulent liquid



 X[1..31] - positions at temperatures, pressures and power are reported [m]

  X[1..11] will be in evaporator

  X[11..21] will be in adiabatic section

  X[21..31] will be in condenser

 Q_dot[1..31] - local power transported [W or Btu/hr]

 Temp[1..31] - local vapor temperature [K, C, F, or R]

 Press[1..31] - local vapor pressure [Pa, kPa, psi, atm]


The units for the inputs to the function are based on the unit setting in EES. 



$Load Component Library

$UnitSystem SI Mass J K Pa Radian

$VarInfo X[] Units='m'

$VarInfo Q_dot[] Units='W'

$VarInfo Temp[] Units='K'

$VarInfo Press[] Units='Pa'


T_e = 775 [K]

Q_dot = 2500 [W]

L_e = 1 [m]

L_a = 0.2 [m]

L_c = 1 [m]

theta = 0 [rad]

R_in = 0.0185 [m]

Fluid$ = 'Sodium'

por = 0.76

tort = 1.8

th_wick = 0.125 [cm]*Convert(cm,m)

R_pore = 0.0025 [cm]*Convert(cm,m)

A = 1.234 [-]

D_wire = 0.02 [cm]*Convert(cm,m)

Mesh = 150 [-]

Flag = 0 [-]

Call Heatpipe_HGWick_CL(T_e, Q_dot, L_e, L_a, L_c, theta, R_in, Fluid$, por, tort, th_wick, R_pore, A, D_wire, Mesh, Flag: X[1..31], Power[1..31], Temp[1..31], Press[1..31])


