- Index
EES_REFPROP is provided with an installation utility that should guide the installation process. The EES_REFPROP interface package includes the following files.
EES_REFPROP.PDF {a help file in Acrobat format}
EES_REFPROP.FDL {the interface program between EES and REFPROP 10 - the filename extension is FDL64 for the 64-bit version}
EES_REFPROP.CHM {this help file providing user instructions for the EES_REFPROP interface}
EES_REFPROP.TXT {a text file read by EES that sets a number of constants}
R134a_test.EES {an EES test file for a pure refrigerant}
123-152.EES {an EES test file for calculating bubble and dew points for a mixture}
NARM_ID.EES {an EES test file for performance of a mixed refrigerant heat pump}
EES_REFPROP_Units.EES {an EES test file that demonstrates automatic unit conversion when using EES_REFROP}
R32_R134a_R22.EES {an EES file that demonstrates use of the $CONVERTEESREFPROPUNITS directive using mass fractions}
The EES_REFPROP.FDL, EES_REFPROP.CHM and EES_REFPROP.TXT files should be installed in a folder within the EES32\USERLIB folder (or EES64\USERLIB64 for the 64-bit version). The installation program places these files in the \USERLIB\EES_REFPROP folder.
The installation program will also place instructions and example files in the ..\USERLIB\EES_REFPROP directory. EES_REFPROP calls the NIST REFPROP program to do the necessary property calculations. The file that is provided with the REFPROP program that is called by EES is REFPROP.DLL. By default, EES_REFPROP assumes that this file and the \Fluids and \Mixtures folders provided with it can be found in the C:\PROGRAM FILES (x86)\REFPROP or C:\PROGRAM FILES (x86)\NIST\REFPROP directory. If REFPROP.DLL file is not located in any of these directories, EES will display a "Select Directory" dialog the first time REFPROP is called in which you can identify the location of the REFPROP.DLL file. The REFPROP.DLL file is distributed with REFPROP.
The EES_REFPROP name should be visible in the Function Info dialog (Options menu) when you select the External Routines radio button. Click on the EES_REFPROP name to select it and then press the Info button to obtain these user instructions from within EES.
F-Chart Software Box 44042 Madison, WI 53744