Contents - Index

MODE = MW (0)

Description: Returns the molar mass of a specified pure fluid or mixture
     In1  = mole fraction of first component in saturated liquid (skip for pure fluid or predefined mixture)
     InN  = mole fraction of next to last component
            Note: If the /mass flag is provided with the $CONVERTEESREFPROPUNITS directive, mass fractions should be provided instead of mole fractions.
     Out1 = Molecular weight (also called molar mass}

MW=0 "mode for molar mass"
Call ees_refprop('R134a', 0 : MW_R134a)  "returns molar mass of R134a"
Call ees_refprop('R32', 0 : MW_R32) "returns molar mass of R32"
Mixture$='R32+R134a' "define a mixture"
mf=0.3           "mole fraction of R32"
Call ees_refprop(Mixture$, 0, mf:MW_mix) "returns molar mass of mixture"
Call ees_refprop('air', 0: MW_air)   "returns molar mass of air;  air is a predefined mixture in REFPROP"

MW_air=28.96 [kg/kmol]
MW_mix=87.03 [kg/kmol]
MW_R134a=102 [kg/kmol]
MW_R32=52.02 [kg/kmol]
