The function Nucleate_Boiling_Rohsenow(Fluid$, T_sat, T_w, C_s_f) returns the surface heat flux for nucleate boiling of a fluid by means of a heated surface of a specified material. This function is presented in section 7.2.3 of Nellis and Klein and Nellis and Klein 2020, Cambridge University Press.
Fluid$ - string variable representing a fluid/vapor (i.e., a Real Fluid) in the EES data base.
T_sat - the saturation temperature of the boiling liquid in [C], [K], [F], or [R].
T_w - the temperature of the surface in [C], [K], [F], or [R].
C_s_f - is the surface coefficient which depends on the fluid, surface material and conditions. (Table 11-1 from Nellis and Klein (Introduction to Engineering Heat Transfer, 2020, Cambridge) with values for specific situations appears below. If a specific value is unavailable for the desired combination, a value of 0.013 can be assumed.)
This procedure is responsible for determining the property data of the specified fluid . It uses the correlation developed by Rohsenow (1952). This function should be used only as a rough estimate of the heat flux as errors of 100% are common. More accurate correlations exist, including Leiner and Gorenflo (1992). and Cooper (1984) The Kutateladze correlation is also available in EES as Nucleate_Boiling_Kutateladze.
$UnitSystem SI C kJ kPa
$VarInfo q``_s units=W/m^2
T_sat=100 [C]
T_w=105 [C]
q``_s= nucleate_boiling_rohsenow(Fluid$, T_sat, T_w, C_s_f)
q``_s=17,478 [W/m^2]}