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Procedure Cond_horizontal_up(Fluid$, L, T_w, T_sat:h_m, Nusselt_m) calculates the heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number for condensation on a horizontal flat plate with the cooled side facing upwards.

Fluid$  -  string variable representing a fluid/vapor in the EES data base.
L  -  length of plate in direction of condensate film flow [m] or [ft]
T_w  -  the temperature of the plate in [C], [K], [F], or [R].  
T_sat  -  the saturation temperature of the bulk vapor in  [C], [K], [F], or [R].  

h_m  -   the mean heat transfer coefficient in [W/m^2-K] or [Btu/hr-ft^2-R]
Nusselt_m  -  the mean Nusselt number [-]

This procedure is responsible for determining the property data of the specified fluid. The latent heat of evaporation is modified based on the correction term developed by Rohsenow (1956). This correction term accounts for the nonlinearity of the temperature profile due to convection effects. The function Cond_Horizontal_Up uses the correlation developed by Nimmo and Leppert (1970) as presented in section 7.4.3 of Nellis and Klein.  This correlation assumes that the plate is bounded on the edges parallel to the flow direction. The correlation also neglects surface tension effects.

$UnitSystem SI C Pa J
$VarInfo h_m units=W/m^2-K
L=0.6 [m]
T_w=50 [C]
T_sat=100 [C]
Call cond_horizontal_up(Fluid$, L, T_w, T_sat:h_m, Nusselt_m)

h_m=749.5 [W/m^2-K]     

Condensation Index=1}