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Procedure Cond_HorizontalTube_avg(Fluid$, m_dot, T_sat, T_w, D, x_1, x_2 : h_m) calculates the average heat transfer coefficient for condensation of vapor entering at quality x_1 as it condenses to a state with quality x_2 inside a circular tube.

Fluid$ - string variable representing a fluid/vapor in the EES data base.
m_dot - mass flow rate of vapor [kg/s] or [lbm/min]
T_sat - the saturation temperature of the incoming vapor in  [C], [K], [F], or [R].  
T_w - the temperature of the inside surface of the tube in [C], [K], [F], or [R].  
D -  inner diameter of the tube in [m] or [ft]
x_1 - entering quality (must be between 0 and 1)
x_2 - exiting quality (must be between 0 and 1)

h_m -  the mean heat transfer coefficient in [W/m^2-K] or [Btu/hr-ft^2-R]

This procedure uses the Cond_HorizontalTube procedure to supply values for the mean heat transfer coefficient at discrete values of quality. It then integrates these values and returns the average heat transfer coefficient. 

$UnitSystem SI C Pa J
$VarInfo h_avg units=W/m^2-K
m_dot=0.005 [kg/s]
T_sat=50 [C]
T_w=25 [C]
D=0.01 [m]
Call cond_horizontaltube_avg(Fluid$, m_dot, T_sat, T_w, D, x_1, x_2 : h_avg)

h_avg=1199 [W/m^2-K]}

Condensation Index

See also: Cond_Tube_avg