Contents - Index




Function SR_8(a, b, k) returns the thermal resistance between the surface of an annular contact area that is exposed to a uniform heat flux and is located on the surface of a semi-infinite half-space.  The resistance is based on the average temperature of the annular space.  


The calling protocol is:


R = SR_8(a, b, k)



a = inner radius of the annulus [m or ft]

b = outer radius of the annulas [m or ft]

k = thermal conductivity of the material [W/m-K or Btu/hr-ft-R]



R = resistance [K/W or R-hr/Btu]


Rohsenow, W.M, J. P. Hartnett, and Y. I. Cho, Handbook of Heat Transfer, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, (1998).



$UnitSystem SI Mass J K Pa Radian

$VarInfo R8 units=K/W

a=0.5 [m]

b=1 [m]

k=1 [W/m-K]




R8 = 0.09385 [K/W]}



Spreading Resistance Index