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Pipe Dimensions

The PipeDimensions function provides information on the size of standard pipes including the inner diameter, the outer diameter, the wall thickness and the flow area.  This function is applicable for both english and metric size pipes.   The data are from:



Size is any of the following accepted industry size specification in inches or mm.  If units are set to English then use the inch sizes otherwise use the mm sizes.
 Inch  mm
 0.125 6
 0.250 8
 0.375 10
 0.500 15
 0.750 20
 1.000 25
 1.250 32
 1.500 40
 2.000 50
 2.500 65
 3.000 80
 3.500 90
 4.000 100
 4.500 115
 5.000 125
 6.000 150
 7.000 175
 8.000 200
 9.000 225
 10.000 250
 11.000 275
 12.000 300
 14.000 350
 16.000 400
 18.000 450
 20.000 500
 24.000 600
 26.000 650
 28.000 700
 30.000 750
 32.000 800

Schedule$ can be 5s, 5, 10s 10, 20, 30, 40s, 40 60, 80s, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160 or DblEH

OD is the nominal outer diameter in inches or mm (depending if EES is configured in English or SI units)
ID is the inner diameter in inches or mm
WallThickness is the wall thickness in inches or mm
Flow area is the internal flow area in ft^2 or m^2

Example 1: (SI)
$UnitSystem SI
$VarInfo FlowArea units=m^2
$VarInfo ID units=mm
$VarInfo OD units=mm
$VarInfo WallThickness units=mm
Size = 15 [mm]
Call pipedimensions(Size, Schedule$: OD, ID, WallThickness, FlowArea)

FlowArea=0.0002302 [m^2]
ID=17.12 [mm]
OD=21.34 [mm]
Size=15 [mm]
WallThickness=2.108 [mm]}

Example 2: (Eng)
$UnitSystem Eng
$VarInfo FlowArea units=ft^2
$VarInfo ID units=in
$VarInfo OD units=in
$VarInfo WallThickness units=in
Size = 1 [in]
Call pipedimensions(Size, Schedule$: OD, ID, WallThickness, FlowArea)

FlowArea=0.006002 [ft^2]
ID=1.049 [in]
OD=1.315 [in]
WallThickness=0.133 [in]}