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Plate to a set of cylinders that are aligned perpendicular to normal|
The procedure f3d_72 returns the view factor from a flat plate to each cylinder in an array that is stacked horizontally along an axis that runs parallel to the plate. The cylinders are assumed to be uniformly spaced along the plate so S = W/Ncyl. The procedure can deal with up to 10 cylinders and returns 10 outputs. The view factors Fi where i is greater than the number of cylinders are set to zero.
The calling protocol is:
Call f3d_72(N_rays, N_cyl, D, H, L, W: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10)
N_rays: number of rays to use in Monte Carlo simulation; note that a negative number will result in the default number of rays being used (1x105)
N_cyl: number of cylinders (1 to 10)
D: diameter of cylinders (ft or m)
H: distance from plate to cylinder axis (ft or m)
L: length of cylinders and plate (ft or m)
W: width of plate (ft or m)
F1: view factor from plate to cylinder 1 (see figure)
F2: view factor from plate to cylinder 2
F3: view factor from plate to cylinder 3
Note that view factors are set to zero for cylinders that are not present but outputs are still provided
$UnitSystem SI Mass J K Pa Radian
D=1 [m]
L=10 [m]
W=4 [m]
H=1 [m]
N_rays=5e4 [-]
N_cyl=5 [-]
Call f3d_72(N_rays, N_cyl, D, H, L, W: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, , , , , )
Brennan Fentzlaff M.S. thesis at the University of Wisconsin, to be published in 2016.