
SW_Enthalpy    Specific enthalpy of seawater

USAGE:  h = SW_Enthalpy(T,S)

   Specific enthalpy of seawater at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa) using Eq. (43)
   given by [1] which best fit the data of [2]. The pure water specific
   enthalpy equation is a best fit to the data of [3]. 
   Values at temperature higher than the normal boiling temperature are
   calculated at the saturation pressure.

INPUT:  (all must have same dimensions)
   T = temperature [degree C] (ITS-90)
   S = salinity    [g/kg] (reference-composition salinity)

   h = specific enthalpy   [J/kg]

VALIDITY: 10 < T < 120 C, 0 < S < 120 g/kg
   [1] Sharqawy M. H., Lienhard J. H., and Zubair, S. M., Desalination and Water Treatment, 2010.
   [2] L. A. Bromley, A. E. Diamond, E. Salami, and D. G. Wilkins, 
       Heat capacities and enthalpies of sea salt solutions to 200 degree C. J. Chem. Eng. Data 15, 246?53, 1970.
   [3] IAPWS release on the Thermodynamic properties of ordinary water substance, 1996.


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