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The $VarInfo directive allows variable information (e.g., the guess value, limits, units, display format, etc.) for one or more variables to be entered from the Equations window, rather than from the Variable Information dialog.  This directive is very useful when it is necessary to enter commands to EES from a macro or from a text file.   The format of the VarInfo directive is as follows


$VarInfo  VariableName1  VariableName2  VariableName3  Guess=V1  Lower=V2  Upper=V3  Units='XXXX'  AltUnits='YYYY'  Display=F1  Style=Bold  Key='Key variable comment'


One or more VariableNames must follow the $VarInfo keyword.  The location of the $VarInfo directive in the Equations window is not important provided that the directives are placed in the Function, Procedure, Subprogram or main program section to which they apply.


Note that an entire array can be designated in a VariableName by including [], e.g., VariableName[].  See Example 2.  In the Professional license, the values provided for the Guess, Lower and Upper values can also be arrays.  See Example 4


Following the VariableNames, the remaining part of the directive consists of one or more keywords (shown in bold above) followed by an equal sign and a specification. It is only necessary to provide the keyword=specification terms that you are interested in changing and they can be provided in any order.


V1, V2, and V3 shown as the specifications for Guess, Lower, and Upper, can be a numerical value or the name of an EES variable.  In the latter case, EES will use the current value of the variable as the value for the specification.  In the Professional license, EES will accept a simple equation, .e.g., x+2, for V1, V2, and V3,  See Example 3,


The Units specification can be a string constant (within single quotes) or a string variable.  The units are also set if V1, V2, or V3 is a numerical constant followed by a unit specification.  For example,  $VarInfo X Guess=300 [K] will set the guess value for X to be 300  and the units to be K.


The AltUnits specification must have the same dimensions as Units.  


The Display specification consists of two characters, as detailed in the Display Formats section.  


The Style specification controls the appearance of the variable in the Solutions window.  Allowable specifications are Normal, Italic, Bold, Boxed or Hidden.


The Key specification indicates that the variable should be considered to be a key variable.  The comment that appears in the Key variable tab of the Solution window is provided after the equal sign in quotes


Note that this directive is applicable for Modules, Subprograms, Functions, and Procedures, as well as for the main program.  However, keywords Guess, Lower, Upper, and Key are ignored if the directive is used within a Function or Procedures as these programming units do not use guess values or bounds, and do not display key variables.


Example 1:

The following example will calculate the specific enthalpy of steam in variable h and set its units to 'kJ/kg'


$UnitSystem SI C kPa kJ mass

T=100 [C]

P=50 [kPa]

$VarInfo h,u  Units='kJ/kg'  AltUnits='Btu/lb_m'




{Solution: h=2682 [kJ/kg] {1153 Btu/lbm}, u=2511  [kJ/kg] {1080 Btu/lbm} }



Example 2:

The following program will set all of the variables in array T to have units of K in both the Procedure and the main program.


Procedure calct(N:T[1..100])

$VarInfo T[] Units='K'

   T[1]=300 [K]

   Duplicate i=2,N

      T[i]=T[i-1]+1 [K]




$VarInfo T[] Units='K'


Call calct(N:T[1..N])



Example 3:

The following program demonstrates how the Professional license will allow equations to be used for the Guess, Lower and Upper values in the $VarInfo directive.



$varinfo x  Lower=a-10  Guess=a  Upper=a+10





Example 4:

The following program demonstrates how the Professional license will allow the $VarInfo directive to set the guess values and lower and upper limits of all variables in an array to Guess, Lower and Upper values defined by other arrays.


$UnitSystem SI MASS RAD PA  K J

W=1 [m]    

H=1.5 [m]    

h_bar=30 [W/m^2-K]

k=10 [W/m-K]


Duplicate i=1,Nterm





Duplicate i=1,Nterm



$VarInfo lambdaW[] Guess=myguess[] lower=lowerLimit[] upper=upperLimit[]


Example 5:

The following program will set the display format for variable D1 to a datetime format and D2 to a date form.  The values of D1 and D2 are then set to the current date and time.


$VarInfo D1 display=d8

$VarInfo D2 display=D8





D1=Apr 22 2022 16:43:13 

D2=Apr 22 2022 




See also:  Variable Info
