ETHYLENE provides high accuracy thermodynamic and transport properties for ethylene (C2H4, R1150, Molar mass = 28.054 g/mole) using the Fundamental Equation of State developed by Reiner Tillner-Roth, "Fundamental Equations of State", Shaker, Verlag, Aachan, 1998. This equation of state is valid for temperatures between 104 K < T < 450 K for pressures up to 260 MPa.
Reference State
T=298.15 K, P=101.325 kPa: h=0 kJ/kg, s=0 kJ/kg-K. The reference state can be changed using the $Reference directive.
Ancillary equations for vapor pressure and density of saturated liquid and vapor are from: M Jahangiri, R.T. Jacobsen, R.B. Stewart, and R.D. McCarty, "Thermodynamic Properties of Ethylene from the Freezing Line to 450 K at Pressures to 260 MPa", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 15, No. 2, 1986
Transport data were fit from the tabular data provided by:
P.E. Liley and P.D. Desai,
"Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants",
ASHRAE, 1993, ISBN 1-1883413-10-9.
Surface tension data are provided through a correlation developed by:
G.R. Somayajulu
"A Generalized Equation for Surface Tension from the Triple Point to the Critical Point"
International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1988
Note that ETHYLENE provides thermodynamic properties assuming real fluid behavior. Use C2H4 for ideal gas properties of ethylene consistent with reference states used in combustion calculations.