Contents - Index
EES - Engineering Equation Solver Index
- #R row number
- $Allow '//'
- $Arrays ON/OFF
- $AutoSetArrayUnits
- $AutoSetUnits ON/OFF
- $Bookmark
- $CHECKUNITS directive
- $CheckUnits ON/OFF and AutoOn/AutoOff
- $ClearLookup
- $ClearParametric
- $Common
- $Complex ON/OFF i/j
- $Constant
- $CopyToLookup
- $DefaultArraySize
- $DiagramUpdate ON/OFF
- $Export
- $ExportPlot
- $ExportText
- $Font
- $HideWindow
- $IF
- $Import
- $ImportText
- $Include
- $Include from Diagram window
- $INCLUDE loading
- $Input
- $InsertTab
- $IntegralAutoStep
- $IntegralStop
- $IntegralTable
- $IntegralTable directive
- $Keyboard
- $Load
- $MaxCalls
- $ModifyAxis
- $ModifyPlot
- $NewPlot
- $OpenLookup / $SaveLookup
- $OPENLOOKUP directive
- $OverlayPlot overlay plot
- $Private
- $PropertyPlot
- $Real
- $Recompile
- $Reference
- $RequiredOutputs
- $RunMacroAfter
- $RunMacroBefore
- $SAVELOOKUP directive
- $SaveTable
- $SaveVarInfo
- $ShowWindow
- $StopCriteria
- $SumRow ON/OFF
- $Tabstops
- $Tabwidth
- $Trace
- $UnitSystem
- $Unload
- $UpdateGuesses
- $VarInfo Directive
- $Warnings ON/OFF
- % of uncertainty
- %% parameters in macro file
- *.MDI files
- . FNL file
- .avi
- .chm file
- .CHM help file
- .CSV file
- .CTX
- .DAT
- .DAT files ASCII file
- .DFT
- .DGM
- .dgm file
- .DLF
- .DLF (C++ example)
- .DLF (example in DELPHI)
- .DLL
- .DLP
- .DLP external procedure (DELPHI)
- .DLP format (C++ external procedure)
- .dvi file
- .EES
- .eestab file
- .EEZ
- .EMF
- .emf file
- .EPT (EES plot template) file
- .FDL
- .FDL (FORTRAN example)
- .FDL external procedure in C++
- .FLD (REFPROP fluid file)
- .fmt
- .gif
- .hide
- .HLP help file
- .HTM help file
- .idg file
- .ini
- .jpg (graphic files for LaTeX report)
- .LIB
- .LKT files
- .MDI files
- .mhe file
- .NWM
- .PAR file
- .pdf
- .PDF help file
- .PRF
- .prf file
- .tex
- .TXB files
- .TXT
- .TXT files
- .TXT Lookup file format
- .TXT Lookup files
- .UNC
- .UNT file
- .UNT1
- .VAR
- .VAR files
- .VAR files (Distributable program)
- .wav
- .wav files
- .WMF files (older EES versions)
- .zip file
- /A ($Export)
- /C ($Export)
- /F ($Export)
- /hide
- /HIDE command
- /nosplash
- /skiplines
- /SOLVE command
- /solvetable
- ? filename
- < (angle indicator symbol)
- =? (Diagram window)
- 1
- 2D interpolation
- 2-D table data
- 2-dimensional interpolation
- 2-monitor support
- 2nd order DFQ - example
- 2nd order differential equation - example
- 3-column data
- 3-D Plot Controls
- 3D plots
- 3-D plotting option
- 3-D Polygon Plots
- 64-bit version
- absolute residual
- absolute value (complex)
- Academic license
- AcentricFactor
- Acetone
- Acetylene
- Acknowledgements
- Add Ellipse Toolbar Button
- Add legend item
- Add Line
- Add New Constant
- Add Rectangle Toolbar Button
- add text button
- Add Text Toolbar Button
- Adding a Calculate Button
- Adding a Help Button
- adding a new constant
- Adding a Print Button to the Diagram Windows
- Adding an Audio-Visual item
- Adding and Moving Text in the Diagram Window
- Adding lines
- arrows, boxes and circles
- adding new constants
- adding new units
- adding solid/liquid property data
- Adding units
- AddPlotLine
- AddPlotText
- Adobe Acrobat (display .pdf files)
- AI
- AI Librarian
- AIR_ha
- alcohol
- align items
- Align Items Toolbar Button
- Align plot window items
- Align text items (Plot windows)
- aligning items (Diagram window)
- All Rows in Table (automatic update)
- Allign
- Allow equations for Diagram window inputs
- Allowstrings
- Alter values
- Alter Values (for tables)
- alter values (Parametric Table)
- alternate sets of guess values
- Alternate units
- Alternate units and format
- AlterValues (macro)
- AMMONIA or R717
- Amplitude
- and
- Angle
- AngleDeg
- AngleRad
- animating plots
- Animating the Diagram and Plot Windows
- animating the Diagram window
- animation
- animation control bar
- animation loop counter
- Application Libraries
- application mode
- application mode (Diagram window)
- Apply
- applying plot characteristics
- Ar
- Area plot
- Argument
- Array Editor
- array range notation
- Array table
- array variables
- array variables - easy entering
- arrays
- changing name and characteristics
- entering values the easy way
- Arrays ($Arrays directive)
- arrays (Show Array value
- Arrays Window
- arrow keys
- arrows
- ASCII codes
- ASCII Lookup files
- ASCII Lookup table files
- Assign (Macro)
- Assignment and equality symbols
- associate text attributes with EES variables
- audio-visual items
- auto color and symbol
- auto display format
- Auto format
- Auto Load button
- Auto Load Libraries
- Auto load library
- Auto Update text (Plot WIndow)
- auto-entry of column values
- automatic axis rescaling
- automatic plot generation
- automatic step size adjustment
- automatic step-size
- automatic unit checking
- automatic update
- automatic update of plot data
- AutoOn/AutoOff
- Auto-save file option
- autosave option
- Average values in a column
- avi button bar
- axis scale characteristics
- azeotropic mixture
- backgournd color of Equations window
- background color and border
- background color for tables
- backup file
- Backward compatibile for EES files
- backward compatibility (Save As)
- banded contour plot
- bar (above variable name)
- Bar over variable names
- Bar Plot
- barometric pressure
- base 10 logarithm
- Beep (Macro)
- Benzene
- Bessel functions
- bias
- bias error
- binary Lookup files
- binary Lookup table files
- Bi-Quadratic Interpolation
- bitmap
- bitmap (copying the plot)
- bitmap resolution (copy plot)
- Bivens and Yokozeki
- black background
- blend - R404A
- blend - R407C
- blend - R410A
- block number and blocking
- blocking
- Blocks D
- Boiling and Condensation
- bold
- italic, underline, multiple line text in plots
- bold block numbers (Residuals window)
- bold variables (Residuals Window)
- Bookmarks
- bounds
- bounds (curve fitting)
- boxes
- brines
- butane
- butene
- button position (Diagram Window)
- button width and height (Diagram window)
- C++ external routines
- C2H2
- C2H4
- C2H5OH
- C2H6
- C3H8
- C4H10
- C5H12
- C6H14
- C8H18
- Calculate button (Diagram window)
- calculated results
- Calculator
- Call statement (use with Modules)
- Calling EES from another program
- Calling EES from MATLAB
- Calling EES from other Programs
- CallMacro
- Calls
- CASE Statements
- CH4
- chaining EES files for sequential execution.
- chaining EES programs
- change protection (Equations window)
- ChangeFileDir$
- changing a column name (Lookup table)
- changing an input to an output (Diagram window)
- changing column order in Parametric table
- changing display format
- changing Lookup Table name
- changing plot parameters
- changing text characteristics
- Changing the display order of plot objects
- changing unit string information
- changing values (Parametric table)
- Check (Macro)
- check box (Diagram window)
- Check mark for Save command
- check units
- check units automatically
- check units results
- Check/Format
- CheckBox (Macro)
- checking user unit settings
- child Diagram windows
- Chlorine
- Chloroethene
- chloromethane
- CHR$
- circles
- cis-2-Butene
- Clear (Diagram window)
- ClearClipboard (Macro)
- clearing values (Parametric table)
- ClearLookupColumn (Macro)
- clipboard
- Clipboard ($Export)
- Clipboard ($Import)
- Close Macro
- Close/Delete Macro
- CO
- CO2
- color (copying the plot)
- Color and font of comments
- color in Solution window
- color printing
- column header cell
- column names
- column names (Lookup table)
- column number
- Column order in Parametric table
- CombustionGas_100
- CombustionGas_200
- CombustionGas_409
- comment associated with variable
- comments
- comments displayed with variables
- comments in a Macro file
- comments in unis
- Commercial and Professional Versions
- Common
- COMMON variables ($COMMON directive)
- communicating with WORD
- Compact Heat Exchanger Library
- comparison operators
- complex Abs
- complex conjugate
- complex functions
- complex mode
- complex notation
- complex number output format
- Complex Numbers
- Complex Tab (Preferences Dialog)
- Complex variables
- Complex varialble preferences
- Component Library
- component models
- CompressibilityFactor
- Computational Flow Window
- concatenation of strings
- condition number
- conditional compilation
- Conduction Heat Transfer Library
- Conjugate directions
- Conjugate Directions method
- connect last to first point
- ConnectLasttoFirst
- constant - automatic unit conversion
- Constants
- Constants (Options menu)
- constants (SI and Eng values)
- constants.txt
- Constants.txt file
- constrained solution
- Contact EES Support
- Contour Plot
- control compilation order
- controlling Diagram window objects
- Convection libaries
- convergence
- convergence criteria
- Convergence not attained
- Convert
- Convert function
- converting units
- Copy (Diagram window)
- Copy (Macro)
- copy as a picture
- Copy as EES picture
- copy as MathType
- Copy diagram
- copy equations
- copy in alternate units
- Copy Plot
- Copy Solution
- Copy table headers
- Copy Table with Headers or Copy as MathType
- copy transposed
- copy with 12 significant figures
- CopyFile (Macro)
- copying an image to the diagram window
- copying information to other applications
- Copying Pasting plot text and plot objects
- Copying table information to a spreadsheet
- copying the plot to the clipboard
- CP
- Create LaTeX/PDF Report
- Creating Entries to the Visual Library
- Creating Hot Areas and Child Diagram Windows (Professional Version)
- Creating Links (Professional Version)
- Creating the Diagram
- critical properties
- cross hairs on contour plots (Ctrl-Shift keys)
- crosshairs
- Crosshairs on plot (Shift+Cntl)
- cryrogen
- Ctrl (Diagram window)
- Ctrl key
- Ctrl key (Diagram window)
- Ctrl-D
- cubic interpolation
- cursor movement keys
- Curve Fit
- Curve Fit Table
- Curve fitting
- curve-fit (user-entered equation form)
- Cut
- Copy, and Paste Selected Text Items (Professional Version)
- copy, paste (Diagram window)
- Cut and copy line
- CV
- Cycle (macros)
- D4
- D5
- Data button
- Data button (in Modify Plot dialog)
- Date
- Date Format
- Date$
- Date$ (string function)
- DateTime Format
- DateTime$
- debugging
- Debugging Help
- Debye_T
- decimal separator
- Default Directories
- Default Directories Tab
- default file folder
- default plot window size
- Default Variable information
- DefVarInfo (Macro)
- deg
- degree symbol
- degrees/radians setting
- Delay (Macro)
- Delete Lookup table
- Delete Lookup table columns
- Delete Lookup Table rows
- Delete Parametric Table(s)
- delete plot line(s)
- Delete$
- DeleteFile (Macro)
- DeleteLookup (Macro)
- DeleteLookupColumn (Macro)
- DeleteLookupRows (Macro)
- DeleteParametric (Macro)
- DeleteParametricColumn (Macro)
- DeleteParametricRows (Macro)
- DeletePlot (Macro)
- deleting hot areas
- Delphi
- density
- derivative
- Description of plot
- DeuteriumOxide
- Development and Application Modes
- development mode
- development mode (Diagram window)
- device independent bitmap
- diagram
- Diagram text
- Diagram Window
- Diagram window (conditional compilation)
- Diagram window (Find)
- Diagram window object
- Diagram Window toolbar
- dialog box keys
- DiethylEther
- differential equations
- differentiate
- digitizing a figure
- dimensional consistency
- dimensionless designation [-]
- Dimensions
- DimethylCarbonate
- DimethylEther
- dipole moment
- DIPPR data base
- DIRECT algorithm
- directive
- Directive Information
- Directives
- directory of current EES file
- disable / enable unit checking
- disable unit checking
- Disabling unit checking for selected equations
- disk file
- display after calculations
- display format
- display format in Solution window
- display options
- display units for constants (Formatted Equations)
- display units for variables (Formatted Equations)
- Displaying a Plot in the Diagram Window
- displaying plot windows
- Distributable
- distributable file at startup
- DLFNames
- DLL file
- DLL File Skeleton in DELPHI
- DLL File Skeleton in FORTRAN
- DLL File Skeleton in Visual C++
- DLPName
- dock Macro Window
- Docosane
- dot
- dot (above variable name)
- dot over variable name
- Dot over variable names
- double integration
- drag coefficients
- dragging
- drop-down list (Diagram window)
- drop-down strings from file
- Ductility
- duplicate plot window
- DuplicateLookupTable
- DuplicateParametricTable
- DuplicatePlot (Macro)
- DuplicateTable
- Duplicating or deleting a plot window
- Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) (Professional Version)
- dynamic link library (C++
- dynamic link library (DELPHI
- dynamic link library (FORTRAN example)
- dynamic linked library (.DLF
- dynamic linked library (C++
- Dynamical control for a Calculate button
- dynamically linked function
- dynamically linked library
- editing a formatted text item
- editing keys
- editing speed
- EES file (Open from Diagram window)
- EES file formats
- EES File Types and Filename Extensions
- EES files (.EES)
- EES Grader
- EES Instant Update
- EES program directory location
- EES variable text item (Plot Window)
- EES_DFLT.dvi file
- EES_REFPROP Interface
- EESFileName$
- EESLatex.ini
- EESMacro.log
- EESws internet distributable program
- effect of elevation
- ElectricalResistivity
- Emissivity
- Energy Units (J or kJ)
- ENG_DefaultUnits.UNT
- engineering format
- enhanced convergence
- entering unit information
- Enthalpy of Formation
- Enthalpy_vaporization
- Equation window limitations
- Equation window tab
- equation window tabs
- equation-based integral function
- Equations Display prefrences
- Equations Display Tab (Preferences Dialog)
- equations in Lookup Table
- Equations window
- Equations window (Find)
- equivalent ways to enter units
- error bars
- Error Procedure
- error propagation
- Ethyl Ether
- Ethyl Oxide
- ethylene and propylene glycol
- European numerical format
- evaluate single-line equations
- Example .DLF External Function in C++
- Example .DLF External Function in DELPHI (PWF)
- Example .DLP External Procedure in C++
- Example .DLP External Procedure in DELPHI
- Example .FDL External Procedure in C++
- Example .FDL External Procedure in FORTRAN
- examples
- EXCEL or WORD (Macros)
- exchanging data between EES programs ($Export)
- Executing EES Macro Commands from EXCEL
- Executing Macro commands
- Export
- Export (Macro)
- export files (.XPT)
- Export plot to another EES file
- Exporting the Diagram Window
- external functions and procedures
- external procedure
- extrapolation (warning from Interpolate function)
- extrapolation (warning from INTERPOLATE1)
- extrapolation (warning from INTERPOLATE2)
- factorial
- factorial design
- failed to converge
- Fast Fourier Transform
- FDLName
- FileExists
- fill characteristics
- Fin Efficiency Library
- Find Variable in Diagram Window
- Find/Replace
- Finding a Limit of Integration
- fitting data
- fitting tabular data
- fluid naming convention
- fluid property data
- Fluid Property Information
- fluid property listing
- FluidType$
- fluoromethane
- flyout menu >>
- Font and Font size
- FOR (as in Pascal)
- FORMAT (.fmt) file
- format of table variables
- format of variables
- Format text for plots
- formatted equations
- formatted reading of Lookup files
- Formatted text (Diagram window)
- Formatted Text (Professional Version)
- formatting the Solution window
- FORTRAN External Routines
- Fourier Transform
- Frame_XX.emf
- frequent unit strings
- fugacity
- Function calls to Subprogram
- function display
- function information
- Functions (external)
- Functions (internal)
- Functions (using $Common)
- Gamma Function
- General Display preferences
- General Display Tab (Preferences dialog)
- genetic algorithm
- Genetic Method (Professional Version)
- GetDirectory$ (Macro)
- GetFirstFile$ (Macro)
- G-format in Variable Info
- GibbsFreeEnergy
- global atoms
- global variable
- GLScene (3-D graphics)
- Golden Search
- Golden Section Search
- goto
- GoTo (Macro)
- GoTo statement
- GOTO Statement and Statement Labels
- graphic items in Diagram window
- graphic objects in Diagram window
- graphics
- Greek and Special Symbols
- grid lines
- grids and surface lines (3-D plots)
- Grouping items on the Diagram window
- guess values
- H2
- H2O
- harmonic steady-state
- hat (above variable name)
- HCl
- He
- Heat Exchanger Library
- Heat Transfer Library
- Heaviside
- Heavy Water
- height of Diagram window
- Helium3
- HelmholtzFreeEnergy
- help
- Help button on Diagram window
- Help context file
- Help files (diagram window)
- help files for distributable
- Help for external files
- Help for External Libraries
- Help for files (textbook menu)
- Help for library files
- help for selected item
- 'help' information
- hemispherical
- HenryConstant_Water
- Hexadecane
- hexane
- HFE-143m
- HFE7000
- HFE7100
- HFE7200
- HFE7500
- HFO1336mzz(E)
- HFO1336mzz(Z)
- Hide (Diagram window)
- hide equations
- Hide external routine reference
- Hide text item (Diagram window)
- HideWindow (Macro)
- hiding a Calculate button with EES variables
- Hiding EES at startup /HIDE
- hiding variables and equations
- Higher Heating Value
- highlighting solution
- Home button (child diagram windows)
- hot areas in Diagram window
- h-s diagram
- HTML files (textbook menu)
- HTML files for help (diagram window)
- HTML help (distributable files)
- HTML help library files
- hydrogen sulfide
- HydrogenChloride
- hypertext
- i/j
- ice properties
- ideal gas
- ideal gas law
- ideal gas mixure
- ideal gas substances
- ideal gases
- IdealGasMixtureProps
- IdealGasMixtureThermalPlots
- IdealGasMixtureTransportProps
- IdealGasThermoProps
- IF
- if then else
- IF THEN ELSE (Macro)
- ifnot then else
- ill-defined equations
- imaginary operator symbol
- imaginary part
- import
- Import (Macro)
- Import plot from a different EES file
- Importing files.
- Include (Macro)
- Incompressible substance
- incompressible substances
- Inconsistent or Ill-Defined Equation Sets
- Index
- Index form
- Input (Macro)
- Input Diagram variable
- input list in Diagram window
- Input or Output Diagram variable
- input variable (Diagram window)
- input/output variables (Diagram window)
- Insert / Delete runs from multiple Parametric tables
- insert EES variables (Report Window)
- Insert$
- Insert/delete variables to Parametric table
- Insert/Modify Array
- inserting a variable into a formatted text item
- Inserting variables into multiple tables at one time
- InsertLookupColumn (Macro)
- InsertLookupRows (Macro)
- InsertParametricColumn (Macro)
- InsertParametricRuns (Macro)
- Integral Equation-based Integral function
- Integral (equation-based)
- Integral table
- Integral table run number
- integral value (text item on plot)
- Integrated thermal conductivity
- integration limits (solving for)
- Integration Parameters
- integration step size
- integration with fixed step size
- integration with the Parametric table
- Intepolate3
- Intepolation
- internal functions
- internal procedure
- Internet-enabled Distributable program
- Interpolate
- interpolation
- interpolation with 2 variables
- interpolation with one variable
- IntK
- IsentropicIndex
- IsIdeal Gas
- Isohexane
- isometric lines
- isopentane
- Isopropanol
- JANAF table
- jump to selected equation
- key variable
- key variables
- Key Variables Solution Window
- keyboard layout
- keyboard shortcuts
- keys
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- cursor movement
- dialog box
- editing
- help
- menu
- system
- text selection
- window
- keyword display
- KinematicViscosity
- Kr
- Label (Macro)
- label contours
- LaTeX
- LaTeXPDF (Macro)
- leading spaces
- left
- top, width height attributes
- legend for contour plots
- legend for plots
- libraries
- library files
- library files (.LIB)
- Library Manager
- Library Manager (Professional Version)
- limits in a DUPLICATE statement
- limits of integration
- line numbers
- linear interpolation
- Linear Regression
- linear thermal expansion coefficient
- LinearExpCoef
- lines
- lines/arrows in Diagram window
- Link Properties (Professional version)
- Link to external programs (Diagram Window)
- linked objects in the Diagram window
- Linking text to a data point
- liquid metal
- List form
- list separator
- lithium bromide
- lithium chloride
- LN
- Load and LoadLib (Macro)
- Load button
- Load button (Diagram window)
- load preferences at startup
- Load Textbook
- Loading default variable information
- loading libraries
- Loading Library files
- loading library files at startup
- local function/procedure/module values
- local variables in procedures
- locked (Diagram window)
- Log (Macro)
- log macro window
- log optimization results
- LOG10
- LogFileName
- logging optimization results
- logical operations
- logical operators
- log-mean temperature difference
- long lines
- Lookup
- Lookup (Macro)
- Lookup commands
- Lookup file
- Lookup File Formats
- Lookup files
- lookup files - automatic reloading
- Lookup files (open from Diagram Window)
- Lookup files.
- Lookup Table
- Lookup table format
- Lookup table name
- Lookup table title
- Lookup table window
- LOOKUP$ (string data)
- LookupColInfo (Macro)
- looping
- Lower Heating Value
- lowercase
- Macro
- Macro (play from Diagram Window)
- Macro command file
- Macro Commands
- Macro Commands Index
- macro file folder
- macro file parameters
- Macro Menu Commands
- Macro Window Help
- Magnitude
- Martin-Hou equation of state
- Mass basis (Molar Basis)
- MassFraction
- Masterging EES
- Mastering EES
- mathematical function listing
- Mathematical Functions List
- MathType
- MATLAB (Macros)
- matrices
- maximize
- Maximize or MInimize (Macro)
- Maximize or Minimize Table (Macro)
- maximum number of arguments
- MD2M
- MD4M
- Mechanical Design Library
- menu keys
- menu speedbar
- MessageDialog (Macro)
- Messages in a macro
- MessageWindow (macro)
- metafile
- methyl chloride
- methyl ether
- methyl fluoride
- micrometer symbol
- Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
- MiKTeX (LaTex environment)
- Min/Max
- Min/Max command
- Min/Max Table
- minimize
- minimum
- Minor Loss Library
- missing variables
- misspelled variables
- mixture
- MM
- Modify Automatic Plot Data
- Modify Axis
- Modify Contour/Gradient Plots
- Modify Plot
- ModifyAxis (Macro)
- modifying an existing diagram text item
- modifying data in the plot window
- ModifyPlot (Macro)
- Module
- module/subprogram variables
- Modules and Subprograms
- modulus
- modulus (MOD function)
- modulus of elasticity
- Modulus of Rigidity
- molar mass
- molecular weight
- Moment of Inertia library
- mouse
- Move Plot
- moveable
- movie
- moving axis scales
- moving hot area
- moving the diagram
- Moving the Hot Area for a Child Diagram Window
- moving the rectangle
- multiple equations on one line
- multiple external routines
- Multiple External Routines in a Single DLL
- multiple files in .DLL
- multiple parametric tables
- multiple tables
- multiquadric
- Multi-quadric Radial Basis Function Interpolation
- Multi-variable Integration
- mutation rate (genetic optimization)
- N Foramt
- N Signif. Figs
- N2
- name convention
- name field for text items in the Diagram window
- names of objects
- NASA_EES Procedure
- natural logarithm
- Navigating through the Diagram Windows
- navigation buttons (Diagram window)
- n-butane
- n-BUTANE or R600
- n-Decane
- Ne
- Nelder-Mead
- Nelder-Mead Simplex Method
- Neopentane
- New (Macro)
- New diagram text item
- New Features
- New Macro
- New Plot Window (Plot Menu)
- New String Variable
- New text item
- New3DPlot (Macro)
- NewContourPlot (Macro)
- NewLooikup (Macro)
- newplot
- NewPlot (Macro)
- NewTable (Macro)
- NH3H2O (ammonia-water)
- NitrousOxide
- n-Nonane
- NO
- NO2
- noble gas
- normal distribution
- NormalBoilingPt
- Novec649
- NParametricColumns
- NParametricRows
- number of copies
- number of generations
- number of individuals
- number of rows in a table
- Numerical Format
- numerical integration
- numerical to string conversion
- n-Undecane
- NWindowTabs
- O2
- octafluorocyclobutane
- OnError (Macro)
- Open
- open lookup file dialog
- Open Lookup Table
- Open Macro file
- Open or Create Macro (Professional Version)
- Open(Macro)
- opening and saving Lookup tables
- OpenLookup (Macro)
- optimization
- optimization algorithm
- Options
- Options Tab (Preferences dialog)
- or
- OR keyword in the $IF directive
- order of variables in Key Variable display
- orthoHydrogen
- Output Diagram variable
- output step size ($IntegralTable directive)
- output variable (Diagram window)
- Overlay3DPlot (Macro)
- overlayed contour plots
- OverlayPlot (Macro)
- P_Crit
- P_Melting
- P_sublimation
- Parahydrogen
- parameter passing
- Parametric (Macro)
- parametric solving
- Parametric Table
- Parametric Table - Retrieve
- Parametric table - storing to disk
- Parametric table display
- Parametric Table Name
- Parametric table run number
- parent of child diagram windows
- partial derivatives
- paste
- paste (Diagram window)
- Paste special
- Paste special (external application)
- Paste Special (Lookup Table)
- Paste(Macro)
- pasting data into Lookup tables
- Pasting plot text items or lines
- Pause (Macro)
- Pause/Resume Macro
- pdfLatex.exe
- Peng-Robinson Equation of State
- Penoncello
- pentane
- personal settings
- P-h diagram
- Phase$
- PI
- picture
- picture in print button
- picture on a Diagram window button
- Pikaia
- Pirnt( Macro)
- Play
- Play Macro
- plot
- plot axis format
- plot axis scaling
- Plot button
- plot legend
- plot line
- plot line color and type
- plot symbol
- plot symbols every N points
- Plot template
- Plot text
- Plot Thumbnails
- Plot Window
- plot window access (Diagram window)
- plot window menu
- Plot window preferences
- Plot Window Time Series Display (Professional Version)
- PlotCoord
- PlotCoors
- Plots Tab (Preferences Window)
- PlotTabName$
- plotting multiple Y-axis variables
- Plotting Strings
- Poisson's ratio
- PoissonsRatio
- polar
- polar coordinates
- polar plot
- PolartoRect
- Polygon plot
- polyline and polygon
- Polylines and Polygons (Plot and Diagram Windows)
- pop-up menus (Parametric Table)
- Potassium
- Powell's method
- pre-calculated variables
- preferences
- prefix variable names
- preventing log or square root of negative values
- print
- print (Report Window)
- print button (Diagram Window)
- print in color
- print preview
- printed comment style
- printed page breaks
- printed Parametric table style
- printer
- Printer display preferences
- Printer Display Tab (Preferences Dialog)
- printer setup
- printing a selected range
- printing Child Diagram windows
- printing in color
- printing Lookup files
- printing the Diagram windows
- PrintSetup (Macro)
- Problem Failed to Converge
- Procedure (using $Common)
- procedures
- Procedures (external)
- Procedures (internal)
- Professional license(features)
- Professional version
- prompting for .EES file (Diagram window)
- Propane
- R290, reference equation of state
- properties of hot area
- property data
- property indicators
- property plot
- property plots
- PropPlot (Macro)
- PropyleneGlycol
- Propyne
- Protect Equations Window
- PsychProps
- psychrometric chart
- Psychrometrics
- purge unused variables
- P-v diagram
- Python
- quadrant
- Quadratic approximations
- quadratic interpolation
- Quit (Macro)
- R11
- R1123
- R113
- R1132(E)
- R114
- R115
- R116
- R12
- R1216
- R1224yd(Z)
- R1225ye(Z)
- R123
- R1233zd(E)
- R1234yf
- R1234ze(E)
- R1234ze(Z)
- R124
- R1243zf
- R125
- R13
- R1336mzz(E)
- R1336mzz(Z)
- R134a
- R13I1
- R14
- R141B
- R142b
- R143a
- R143m
- R150
- R152a
- R161
- R218
- R22
- R227ea
- R23
- R236ea
- R236fa
- R245fa
- R32
- R365mfc
- R40
- R404A
- R407A
- R407C
- R407H
- R41
- R410A
- R417A
- R422B
- R422D
- R423A
- R424A
- R427A
- R428A
- R438A
- R444A
- R448A
- R449A
- R450A
- R452A
- R452B
- R453A
- R454A
- R454B
- R454C
- R455A
- R456A
- R457A
- R460A
- R463A
- R466A
- R469A
- R470A
- R470B
- R471A
- R500
- R502
- R507A
- R508B
- R511A
- R512A
- R513A
- R513B
- R514A
- R515A
- R515B
- R516A
- R600
- R600a
- rad
- radial basis functions
- radial basis functions (interpolation)
- Radiation View Factor Library
- radio button in Diagram window
- RadioButton (Macro)
- random error
- random numbers
- RC318
- RE170
- RE245cb2
- RE245fa2
- RE347mcc
- read data from file ($Import)
- Read strings from file
- Reading tabular data from files
- Reading text files
- read-only
- real and imaginary components
- real fluid
- real fluids
- real part
- RealThermoProps
- Recent file list
- recently-accessed file name (distributable program)
- Recognized Color Names
- recompiling equations
- Record Macro Command
- rectangle
- rectangles
- red - green - blue color function
- red variables (Uncertainty propagation)
- Redlich-Kwong-Soave Equation of State
- Redo
- redundant equation
- reference state for enthalpy and entropy
- Regional settings
- Regression
- relative residual
- removes spaces
- rename variables
- RenameFile (Macro)
- RenamePlot (Macro)
- reorder plot lines
- repeat ... until (macro file)
- repeat until
- Repeat..Unitl (Macro)
- Replace$
- Report (LaTeX/PDF)
- report generation (Diagram window)
- Report Window (Professional Version)
- rescaling axis
- Reset (Macro)
- Reset Guesses
- Reset Limits
- ResetGuesses (Macro)
- Residual window (Find)
- Residuals
- residuals window
- resizing the Diagram window
- resizing the rectangle
- resizing the Variable Info dialog
- resolution (3-D plots)
- Resolution (contour plot)
- Retrieve Parametric Table
- Retrieve Plot
- RetrieveParametric (Macro)
- Return
- returning a column name (Lookup table)
- Richardson Extrapolation
- rms
- rms error
- rotating about an specified point.
- rotating objects in the Diagram window.
- rounded rectangle
- row in Parametric table
- Run (Macro)
- run number control
- saturation temperature
- saturation vapor pressure
- Saturation%
- Save (Macro)
- Save button (Diagram window)
- Save Diagram
- Save diagram inputs (Distributable programs)
- Save Inputs
- Save Lookup Table
- Save Macro File
- Save Movie Button
- Save table to disk file
- SaveArrays
- SaveLookup
- SavePlot
- SaveSolution
- SaveTable
- SaveVarInfo
- Saving and Applying Plot Templates
- Saving and Loading Diagram Inputs
- Saving EES files
- Saving EES tables
- saving plot characteristics
- saving variable information
- scaling 3-D plots
- scripting for Make Distributable
- sea water properties
- search for properties
- secondary refrigerants
- Select All
- Select Display
- selected line(s)
- Selecting a range (New Parametric Table)
- Selecting all variables
- Selecting and Aligning Text and Graphic Items
- selecting items (Diagram window)
- selecting multiple items (Diagram window)
- selecting multiple tables (Solve table)
- Selection vs Edit mode (Variable Info dialog)
- Sensitivitivity Analysis
- separate EES programs
- Serial (Macros)
- Serial Port Communication
- SES36
- Set values with equation
- set window size and position
- SetDirectory (Macro)
- Setting a string variable to the name of Lookup file
- setting Lookup Table values
- setting one or more EES values with a string
- setting the color of an object in the Diagram window with an EES variable
- setting units of variables
- setting values (Parametric table)
- Setting Variable Limits
- Setzmann and Wagner
- Shape Factor Library
- share variable information
- Shift key
- Shift-Ctrl-D
- shortcut file (.LNK)
- Show Crosshairs on Plot
- Show Grid Lines
- Show/Hide Diagram Tool Bar
- Show/Hide Toolbar
- ShowWindow (Macro)
- SI_DefaultUnits.UNT
- Side-by-side bar plot
- Signficant figures
- Siloxane
- single quotes
- singular equations
- singularity warning
- skip
- slider controls (Diagram window)
- SO2
- Sodium
- solid carbon dioxide
- solution methodology
- Solution Window
- solutions
- Solve
- Solve (Macro)
- Solve equations
- solve table
- solve table in reverse order
- Solving from the Diagram window
- solving order
- Sort
- Sort button
- Sort values in Parametric or Lookup tables
- Sounds Tab (Preferences dialog)
- spacing of variables in Key Variable display
- special characters
- Special Symbols
- specific heat
- specific heat (constant pressure)
- specific heat (constant volume)
- Specific Properties (Mass or Molar)
- Specify Format and Units
- Specify Uncertainty Information
- specifying object attributes with EES variables
- speed of sound
- Spline fit
- square root of -1
- SquareWave function
- stacked bars
- stand-alone program
- standard deviation
- standard error
- star
- Start In: directory
- startup defaults
- Startup Options
- Statement Labels
- statisical functions
- statistics
- status bar (Residuals window)
- steam
- step-size (integration)
- stiff equations
- Stop (Macro)
- Stop calculation
- stop criteria
- Stop Macro
- StopCrit (Macro)
- Store Button
- Store Parametric Table
- Store Plot
- StoreParametric (Macro)
- Storing default variable information
- Stress Concentration library
- string
- string constant
- string constant in Lookup table
- string data in Lookup Tables
- string format
- string functions
- string variable (conditional compilation)
- string variable applications
- string variables
- string variables for setting units
- String$
- StringPos
- strings in ASCII Lookup files
- strings in user error message
- strings plotted on X-axis
- StringVal
- Students t-test
- subcooled
- sublimation
- submenus
- Subprogram
- subprograms
- subscript
- subscripted variables
- Subscripts and Greek symbols
- subscripts and superscipts in plots
- subscripts and superscripts
- subscripts and superscripts in Diagram Window text
- Substance Information
- substring
- substring position
- successive substition
- sum
- Sum Parametric table column
- sum row in Parametric table
- Sum values in a column
- superheated
- superimposed calculated properties
- superscript
- superscript + or -
- Superscripts
- suppressing compilation
- surface tension
- suspend EES programs
- SUVA 95
- Symbol Color Plot
- syntax highlighting
- system keys
- T_Crit
- T_Melting
- T_Triple
- tab position in Parametric table
- tab stops
- tab-delimited text
- table column position
- table data color
- table data format
- Table in Diagram window
- table-based integral function
- tabs
- Tabs for Child Diagram windows
- tabs on Lookup Window
- tabs on plot window
- Tabstios (Macro)
- temperature-dependent properties
- temporary constant
- text
- text file ($Import)
- text files (.TXT).
- text in diagram window
- text items (Diagram window)
- text parameter
- text selection keys
- Textbook index file
- Textbook menu
- T-h diagram
- thermal conductivity
- ThermalDiffusivity
- Thousands separator
- tick size
- Ticks/Division
- Tillner-Roth
- Tillner-Roth and Baehr
- Tillner-Roth and Yokozeki
- Time
- Time Format
- time series display (Plot Window)
- Time$ (string function)
- TimeStamp and TimeStamp$
- TMY data files
- tolerances
- tool bar
- tool bar (Diagram window)
- toolbar
- toolbar (Diagram window)
- TotalThermalExp
- trace intermediate values
- TraceBack
- trajectory
- Tranport property
- trans-2-butene
- transferring information ($Import)
- transient analysis
- transparent (Diagram window)
- Transport properties
- transpose data
- trim
- T-s diagram
- T-v diagram
- two-dimensional interpolation
- UltimateStress
- UltimateStressShear
- uncertainty
- Uncertainty (Mac ro)
- uncertainty display
- uncertainty of an integral
- Uncertainty Propagation
- Uncertainty Propagation Table
- uncertainty region
- Ungroup (Diagram Window)
- uniform case for variable names
- unit consistency
- Unit Conversion
- Unit Conversion Info (Options menu)
- unit settings
- Unit System
- unit system (directive)
- units
- units (alternative set)
- units (Lookup table)
- Units (Macro)
- units in Solution window
- Units List
- Units.txt file
- UnitSystem
- UnitSystem$
- Unsymetric error bars
- Update Diagram
- Update guess values
- update guesses
- UpdateGuess(Macro)
- UpdatePlot
- Up-level button (child diagram window)
- Use of Duplicate in Functions/Procedures
- use with constants
- user error message
- USERLIB subdirectory
- USERLIB user library
- user-specified warning messages
- user-supplied equation
- user-supplied fluid data
- using a Subprogram or Module for integration
- Using Check Boxes
- Using Drop-Down Lists to Set One or More EES Variables
- using EES variable to position a child diagram window
- using EES variables to position items in the Diagram window
- using EES variables to position text on the Diagram window
- Using Radio Button Groups
- Using the Parametric table to aid convergence
- using variables for the start and stop rows
- V_Crit
- vapor mass fraction
- variable attributes
- variable bounds
- variable information
- Variable Information Files (Professional Version)
- Variable Metric Optimization Method
- variables in array range specification
- variables in functions/procedures
- variables in modules
- VarInfo (Macro)
- vector functions
- vectors
- Version
- View Code
- view Diagram Window hot areas
- vinyl chloride
- viscosity
- volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion
- Warning message
- Warning Procedure
- Warning que
- Warning Window
- Warnings
- water-based solutions
- width of Diagram window
- window keys
- Window position
- windows
- Working Directory
- write data fo disk file
- writing solution to file
- X1
- X1/X2 and Y1/Y2 axis scales
- Xe
- X-Y plot
- Xylene
- X-Y-Z Plot
- YieldStress
- YieldStressComp
- YieldStressShear
- Younglove and Ely
- YoungsModulus
- zero line
- zoom plot
- Zoom Selection