Diagram Window Slider Controls
In the Professional license, numerical values for EES variables can be set in the Diagram window with slider controls, in addition to the conventional edit box. Here is how it is done.
Use the Add Text button in the toolbar to add a text item to the Diagram window. A dialog window will appear with radio buttons for Text, Formatted text, Input variable, and Output variable. Click the Input variable button and then on a numerical (not a string) variable from the variable list at the right. If you have a Professional license, the Slider input check box will be enabled, as shown in the figure below.
Click on the Slider input check box so that a check appears. When this is done, the dialog window will expand to show the Slider Parameters at the bottom of the dialog. The slider control restricts input within specified limits. Minimum and maximum values must be entered. These limits are the same as the Lower and Upper bounds for the variable that are entered in the Variable Information dialog. Entering values here will overwrite the Lower and Upper bounds for the variable. As in the Variable Information dialog, the minimum and maximum values can be specified using the names of existing variables. In this case, the current values of these variables will be used for the bounds
By default, the slider is 100 pixels wide. The control allows the width to be adjust between 50 and 600 pixels. Note that the PixelsPerInch# constant indicates the pixels per inch on your computer. The width of the slider control is automatically scaled when the EES file is used on computers having a different resolution.
The slider control can be configured to only provide integers by clicking the Integer values only control.
The value of the slider control will be displayed centered above the slider control if the Show value above slider check box is selected. The variable name and units can be included in the display if the Include variable name check box and Show Units dropdown control (located just above the Slider input check box) are selected.
The slider operates just like other Diagram window objects. The control will initially appear in a default position within the Diagram window (or child Diagram window) when the dialog is dismissed. It can then be dragged to a new position by pressing and holding the left mouse button down on the control while sliding the control to the desired location while the Diagram window is in development mode. Alternatively, the control can be moved with the arrow keys after it is selected. The characteristics of the slider control can later be changed while in development mode by double-clicking the left mouse button (or by clicking the right mouse button) while the cursor is positioned on the slider control.
Sliding the control from it left position to its right position changes the value of the variable from its minimum to its maximum value. The changes in the variable value occur immediately. Note that the minimum and maximum values are entered in the primary unit system even if the input is set to accept values in the alternate unit system.
See also:
Adding or Moving Text in the Diagram Window
Development and Application Modes
Allow Equations for Input Variables