ModifyAxis (Macro Command)
ModifyAxis X Name='my Plot' Min=100 Max=600 AutoScale=On Int=100 Linear Grids=On Ticks=4 Ticks239=On Showscale=Off Size=10 Style=BoldItalic Format=A3 Color=Black
Change the scaling of the X axis of the specified plot window. The plot window is specified by providing the name of the plot window tab in after the Name= keyword. The plot tab name must be either a string constant within single quotes or a predefined EES string variable. Alternatively, the number of the plot can be provided in place of the plot name, with 1 being the first plot.
This command allows the axis scaling to be changed to the specified minimum, maximum and interval in linear or log coordinates. AutoScale can be set to On or Off. If AutoScale=On, do not provide Min, Max or Int. The scale numbers are shown in bold italic with fontsize 10 using automatic format. The grid lines and scale can be turned on or off. The number following the optional Ticks= keyword is the number of minor tick marks between the major tick marks. The default is 4. Ticks239 specifies whether ticks are shown at locations 2, 3, ..9 on a logarithmic scale. Use Y for the left Y axis and Y2 for the right Y axis. Color controls the color of the plot text and it must be recognized color name.