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$NewPlot  Name='NNNN'  Table='TTTT'  X=Xvar  Y=Yvar  Rows=1..10  LineStyle=1  Symbol=1  SymbolSize=6  Color=Red  Legend='legend text'  ErrorBars PointLabels ConnectLasttoFirst  AutoUpdate XAxisLabel='new Xlabel'  YAxisLabel='new Ylabel'  XScale=log  YScale=log XGridLines YGridLInes


This directive command creates a new X-Y plot.  The allowable keywords are shown above and described below.  Only keywords Name, Table, X, and Y are required  



     Set the name of the tab for this plot window to 'NNNN'.  Note the plot tab name may be either a string constant within single quotes or a predefined EES string variable.  If there is an existing plot with the same name, it will be overwritten.



Data for the plot will be obtained from  the Parametric table, Lookup table  or Arrays Table that has the name 'TTTT'.  The table name can be provided as a string variable, e.g., TN$.  (If  TTTT' is the name of both a Parametric table and a Lookup table, the data will be plotted from the Parametric table.  The search order is Parametric table, Lookup table and then Arrays table.)   Note that the table could also have been identified by entering PARN, LOOKN, or ARRN where N is the tab number of the Parametric, Lookup or Arrays table.  You can also use ARR for the first Arrays table or INT for the Integral table.


X=Xvar     Y=Yvar

Plot variable Xvar on the X-axis and Yvar on the Y-axis. Xvar and Yvar must appear in the specified table.  When plotting variables from the Arrays table (ARR or ARRN) specify the array name as XXX[i], where XXX is the parent name of the array variable.  In addition, the X-axis variable can be:

     X=Index causes the index number of an Array to be used as the X-values.  

     X=Run_Number causes the run number of a Parametric Table to be used as the X-values.

     X=Row_Number causes the row number of a Lookup table to be used as the X-values



The following keywords are optional.



Data will be obtained from the specified rows in the table.  If this keyword is not provided, all rows in the specified table will be used.



Bar=    (use either Bar or Symbol, but not both)


SymbolSize= (integer between 2 and 36)

BarWidth= (integer between 2 and 36)  (use either SymbolSize or BarWidth, but not both)


The values provided for LineStyle, Bar,  Symbol, and Color can be specified using integers or variables.  The color can be provided as either an integer or the name of the color. The coding for these parameters is as follows:



Legend causes a legend item to be created.  The legend text following the = sign can be a string constant or string variable that has been previously defined.  If a string constant is used and it has embedded spaces, it it necessary to surround the text with single quote marks.  If an equal sign and legend name is not provided after the Legend keyword, it will be assumed that the legend text is the same as the name of the Y-axis variable.  


ErrorBars will cause error bars to be drawn if the data that are plotted contain uncertainty information. 


PointLabels keyword places a label next to each plotted point.  By default, the label is an integer corresponding to the array position (when plotting from the Arrays window) or row (when plotting from the Parametric or Lookup tables).  The point labels keyword can be optionally followed with a /ColName, where ColName is the name of a column in the table that is being plotted.  In this case, the point labels will be set to the value (or string) in the specified column of the table rather than to the row or array position.  The column number can be provided as an alternative to providing the column name. . 


ConnectLasttoFirst keyword will cause a line to be drawn from the last plotted point to the first point.  This option is useful when plotting thermodynamic cycles. 


AutoUpdate will cause the plot to be updated whenever the data in the table change.




The X and Y axis labels are set by default to the name and units in the column header cell. These keywords override the default behavior so that the labels can be set as desired.




The X and Y scales are linear by default.  These keywords change to log scales.




The presence of these keywords will cause X and/or Y gridlines to be placed on the plot.


Keyword LineStyle may also be shorted to Line.  A default value will be used if a parameter is not specified. 



Example 1:


Duplicate i=1,10



$NewPlot Name='data from arrays' Table=ARR  X=X[i]  Y=Y[i]  Rows=1..6



Example 2:

$NewPlot Name='myplot' Table='Table 1'  X=X  Y=T  Line=1  Symbol=1  Color=green XGridLInes YGridLines


NOTE:  The $NewPlot provides an alternative to using the NewPlot macro commandMacro commands provide additional plotting options. This directive can only be used with a Professional license.


See also:  $OverlayPlot

