Maximize and MaximizeTable (Macro Commands)
Maximize G a b c /Method=Conjugate /RelTol=1e-4 /MaxIt=500
Maximize variable G with respect to variables a, b, and c. Note that the all variables must be defined in the Equations Window and variables a, b, and c must have non-infinite lower and upper limits. The VarInfo macro command can be used to provide limits. See the Min/Max command. for information related to optimization.
Options begin with the / character. They can be appear anywhere after the Maximize keyword. The values may be provided with previously defined EES variables. Options that are not specified are set to the default values
/Method determines the optimization method. For a single degree of freedom, Golden or Quadratic can be specified after the = sign. For two or more degrees of freedom, the keyword can be Conjugate, Variable, Direct, Genetic, or Nelder.
/RelTol specifies the relative convergence tolerance which is used to stop the optimization process. (not for the Genetic Method)
/MaxIt specifies the number maximum number of iterations that will be used in the optimization process. (not for the Genetic Method)
/#IND specifies the number of individuals used in the Genetic optimization method
/#GEN specifies the number of generations used in the Genetic optimization method
/MutRate specifies the maximum mutation rate used in the Genetic optimization method. It must be a number between 0.05 and 0.75.
MaximizeTable /S /U /R G a b c /Table='TableName' /Rows=1..10 /Method=Variable
Maximize variable G with respect to variables a, b, and c for rows 1 through 10 in the Parametric table having name 'TableName'. Variables G, a, b, and c must exist in the specified Parametric table and have non-infinite lower and upper limits . TableName can be a string variable.
Options: (In addition to those shown above for the Maximize macro)
/Rows sets the rows in the Parametric table for which the optimization will be done. If the /Rows keyword is not provided, the first and last rows last used in a Parametric table calculation will be assumed.
/U indicates that the guess values will be updated after each row of the table successfully completes calculations. I
/R indicates that the calculations will be start on the last row and proceed to the first row of the specified range.
/S indicates that the calculations will stop if an error is encountered and remaining rows of the table will not be processed.
Note: If there is more than one tab in the Equations window, the Maximize and MaximizeTable macro commands will operate on the selected tab, i.e., the tab that is formost in the Equations window. The selected tab can be set with the EqnWindowTab macro command.