Maximize and MaximizeTable (Macro Commands)
Maximize G a b c /Method=Conjugate /RelTol=1e-4 /MaxIt=500
Maximize variable G with respect to variables a, b, and c. Note that the all variables must be defined in the Equations Window and variables a, b, and c must have non-infinite lower and upper limits. The VarInfo macro command can be used to provide limits. See the Min/Max command. for information related to optimization.
Options begin with the / character. They can be appear anywhere after the Maximize keyword. The values may be provided with previously defined EES variables. Options that are not specified are set to the default values
/Method determines the optimization method. For a single degree of freedom, Golden or Quadratic can be specified after the = sign. For two or more degrees of freedom, the keyword can be Conjugate, Variable, Direct, Genetic, or Nelder.
/RelTol specifies the relative convergence tolerance which is used to stop the optimization process. (not for the Genetic Method)
/MaxIt specifies the number maximum number of iterations that will be used in the optimization process. (not for the Genetic Method)
/#IND specifies the number of individuals used in the Genetic optimization method
/#GEN specifies the number of generations used in the Genetic optimization method
/MutRate specifies the maximum mutation rate used in the Genetic optimization method. It must be a number between 0.05 and 0.75.
MaximizeTable /S /U /R G a b c /Table='TableName' /Rows=1..10 /Method=Variable
Maximize variable G with respect to variables a, b, and c for rows 1 through 10 in the Parametric table having name 'TableName'. Variables G, a, b, and c must exist in the specified Parametric table and have non-infinite lower and upper limits . TableName can be a string variable.
Options: (In addition to those shown above for the Maximize macro)
/Rows sets the rows in the Parametric table for which the optimization will be done. If the /Rows keyword is not provided, the first and last rows last used in a Parametric table calculation will be assumed.
/U indicates that the guess values will be updated after each row of the table successfully completes calculations. I
/R indicates that the calculations will be start on the last row and proceed to the first row of the specified range.
/S indicates that the calculations will stop if an error is encountered and remaining rows of the table will not be processed.