C2H6 provides ideal gas thermodynamic properties for ethane valid over the temperature range from 200 K to 6000 K based on the property information provided by McBride et al. (2002). The reference state for specific enthalpy is based on the enthalpy of formation relative to the elements at 25 C. The reference state for specific entropy is based on the Third Law of Thermodynamics. The reference values are from:
Bonnie J. McBride, Michael J. Zehe, and Sanford Gordon
"NASA Glenn Coefficients for Calculating Thermodynamic Properties of Individual Species"
NASA/TP-2002-211556, Sept. 2002
Transport property correlations are implemented for temperatures between 200 K and 1000 K.
Note that C2H6 provides thermodynamic properties assuming ideal gas behavior. Use ETHANE to provide real fluid properties in the subcooled, saturated mixture, and superheated regimes.