The behavior and title of the Copy command depends on which window is foremost.
Copy will place the selected text from the Equations window in the Clipboard from which it can be duplicated with the Paste command. Text may be selected by dragging.
Parametric, Lookup, Arrays, or Integral Table Window
Both the Copy and Copy with Headers menu items will be visible. The Copy command will copy to the Clipboard the selected cells in the table as tab-delimited text. The data are put onto the Clipboard in two ways. If you paste the data into a word processor or spreadsheet application, the values will appear exactly as they did in the EES table, i.e., with the same number of significant figures that are displayed. However, if you paste the data into another table in EES, the data will maintain all of the significant figures originally present in the data. The Copy with Headers command will copy the Header (i.e., column name) and Units of each column in addition to the selected cells. Use the Select All command to select all of the cells in the table. If you wish to copy data in the table with more significant figures than are displayed (for use in another program) , right-click on the table to bring up the pop-up menu and then select the Copy (E-Format) option. This option will copy the selected data in E-format with the maximum number of significant figures.
The pop-up menu provides a Copy Transposed command. Copy Transposed will transpose the data, i.e., change rows to columns and columns to row.
The Copy menu command will be titled Copy as EES picture. The menu command will be enabled if one or more equations are selected. In this case, the selected equations will be copied in a picture (windows metafile) format that can be pasted into another application. Each equation will be a represented as a separate picture. Note that the Copy as MathType menu item provides similar capability, except that the equations are copied in a format compatible with MathType. Right-clicking on the equation brings up a pop-up menu that also offers the option of copying the equation in LaTex.
The Copy command will first check to see if a text item or graphic item is selected (i.e., displayed with an enclosing red dotted box). If a selected item is found, Copy will place that item on the Clipboard from which it can later be pasted to another plot. If a selected item is not found, the Copy command will be renamed to Copy Plot and it will move the entire Plot window into the Clipboard from which it can be pasted into other applications. The plot image can be copied in two ways: as an enhanced Windows metafile and as a bitmap. The Windows metafile is a vector image that requires relatively little memory. Starting with license 6.101, it is placed on the clipboard at a default resolution of 600 pixels per inch so that when copied to another application, such as a word processor, the image will print with high quality. The bitmap can also produce a high quality image, but is requires considerable memory, particularly if a color copy is requested. The option of copying in color, copying as a bitmap, and the copy resolution (100, 300, 600, and 1200 dots per inch) are determined by settings in the Plots tab of the Preferences dialog. Use the Paste Special command in the external application to select Bitmap or Device Independent Bitmap if you wish to paste the bitmap. Note that the plot will be copied to the clipboard in black and white unless Copy in color is checked in the Plots tab of the Preferences dialog. The black and white bitmap requires less memory and generally prints better on a black and white printer.
Copy Solution will place the contents of the Solution on the Clipboard both as ASCII text with each variable on a separate line. If one or more of the variables in the Solution window are selected, only these variables will be copied as text. If none of the variables are selected, all of the variables will be copied. See the description of the Solution window for more information.
Copy will be enabled if any text in the Residuals window is selected. In this case, the selected text will be copied to the Clipboard. Tabs separate the columns on each line of the Residuals window. The Clipboard contents can be pasted into a word processor with the tabs.
Diagram or Child Diagram Windows
Copy will place selected items on the Clipboard in a graphical format. These items can then be pasted into another EES Diagram window or into another application, depending on the type of graphic. If no items are selected the Copy command will copy the entire contents of the Diagram or Child Diagram window.
See also: Copy with Headers or Copy as MathType