Select All
Select All operates on the window that is foremost.
In the Equations and Residuals windows, Select All will select all of the text.
When the Formatted Equations window is foremost, Select All will select all of the equations in the window. Comments and directives will not be selected. Selected equations are shown in inverse video. One or more equations must be selected to enable the Copy as EES picture, Copy as Latex, and Copy as Mathtype commands in the Formatted Equations popup menu and the Copy commands in the Edit menu.
All cells will be selected in the Parametric, Lookup, Arrays or Integral table window if one of these table windows is in front.
When the plot window is foremost, Select All will select all of the text items on the plot.
Select All will select all graphic and text items in the Diagram or child Diagram window if the window is in development mode.
The selected items can then be placed on the Clipboard using the Copy command.