Chloroethene provides property data for chloroethene, (C2H3Cl, MW 62.49822 g/gmole, CAS# 75-01-4). The substance is also known as vinyl chloride, monochloroethylene and ethylene monochloride. The thermodynamic and transport properties are obtained using the methods described by:
Monika Tho, Florian Fenkl,Eric W. Lemmon
"A Fundamental Equation of State for Chloroethene for Temperatures from the Triple Point to 430 K and Pressures to 100 MPa"
International Journal of Thermophysics (2022) 43:41
The properties are valid for temperatures between 119.3 K(the triple point) and 430 K for pressures up to 100 MPa.
The NBP reference is used for specific enthalpy and entropy, i.e., h=0 kJ/kg and s=0 kJ/kg-K for saturated liquid at the normal boiling point (259.26 K)
Viscosity, thermal conductivity, and surface tension are determined using the correlations provided in:
Yaws, C,K
Chemical Properties Handbook
McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-073401-1, 1999
The estimated transport properties should be applicable for the range in which the equation of state is valid.