Contents - Index



n-OCTANE provides high accuracy thermodynamic properties for normal octane (Molar mass =114.231 g/mole) using the Fundamental Equation of State, as described by: 


R. Beckmüller, R. Span, E. W. Lemmon, and M. Thol

A Fundamental Equation of State for the Calculation of Thermodynamic Properties of n-Octane

J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 51, 043103 (2022); doi: 10.1063/5.0104661


(Versions prior to 12.009) used:  Span, R. and Wagner, W., "Equations of State for Technical Applications:  II Results for Non-Polar Fluids",-Int. J. of Thermophysics, Vol. 24, No. 1, Jan. 2003)



Reference State 

    h = 0 kJ/kg, s = 0 kJ/kg-K at 298.15 K, 101.325 kPa.  The reference state can be changed using the $Reference directive.


Range of applicability for equation of state:

   216.37 K < T <  650 K

 0 < P <1000 MPa


Thermal conductivity and viscosity correlations were fit to tabular data provided in:

"Properties of Inorganic and Organic Fluids"

Edited by C.Y. Ho

Authored by: P.E. Liley, T. Makita, and Y. Tanaka.

CINDAS Data Series of Material Properties, Vol V-1

Hemisphere Publishing Corporation

Chapter 25 - n-Octane


Range of applicability for transport function correlations:

Gas-phase viscosity:  240 K to 650K

Liquid-phase viscosity: 216.4 K to 540 K

Gas-phase thermal conductivity: 240 K to 650 K

Liquid-phase thermal conductivity: 216.4 K to 540 K


Surface tension data are provided through a correlation developed by:

G.R. Somayajulu

"A Generalized Equation for Surface Tension from the Triple Point to the Critical Point"

International Journal of Thermophysics, Vol. 9, No. 4, 1988


The melting pressure curve is estimated from:  R. Beckmüller, R. Span, E. W. Lemmon, and M. Thol



Fluid Property Information