R150 (also known as 1,2, dichloroethane, CAS# 107-06-02) is a solvent and reaction medium used extensively in the chemical industry. It has a molar mass of 98.9597 kg/kmol.
Thermodynamic property data for R150 are provided using the reduced Helmholtz equation of state described by;
Monika Thol, Gábor Rutkai, Andreas Köster, Svetlana Miroshnichenko, Wolfgang Wagner, Jadran Vrabec & Roland Span
"Equation of state for 1,2-dichloroethane based on a hybrid data set"
Molecular Physics, Vol 115 No. 9-12 1166-1185, 2007
Property data are applicable for temperatures between the triple point (237.5 K) and 560 K with pressures up to 100 MPa. The reference state is saturated liquid at the normal boiling temperature for which specific enthalpy and entropy are 0 kJ/kg and 0 kJ/kg-K, respectively.
Transport properties are provided using correlations given in:
Yaws, Carl L., ed. Chemical Properties Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.