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LaTeXPDF (Macro Command)



LatexPDF 'Filename' /Show -D -E -S -T -A -P -L -I


The LaTeXPDF macro command will create either a typeset quality .pdf document (suitable for printing) or a .TeX document containing information in the EES file,such as the Diagram window, the Equations Window, the Solution Windows, plots, and tables.


The format of the  LaTeXPDF macro command with all of its options is shown above.



Filename is the complete name (including the path) of the .pdf file or .tex file that will be created.  Filename must have a .pdf or .tex file name extension to indicate what type of file is desired.  Filename may be a string constant (surrounded with single quote characters) or an EES string variable that has been previously defined.  Filename is required.


All following parameters are optional.


/Show indicates that the created .pdf file will be displayed.  Otherwise it will written to the file, but not displayed.


-D indicates that the Diagram window will not appear in the file. This parameter is needed only when there is a Diagram window and you do not want to include it in the file.  Only the main Diagram window can be printed using this Macro command.


-E indicates that the contents of the Equations window will not appear in the file


-S indicates that the Solution window(s) will not appear in the file.


-T indicates that Parametric tables will not appear in the report.   Without this option, all Parametric tables in the file will appear in the file.


-A indicates that the Arrays table will not appear in the file.


-P indicates that none of the plot windows will appear in the file.  Without this option, all plot windows included in the EES file will be included in the file.


-L indicates that none of the Lookup tables will appear in the file. Without this option, all Lookup tables included in the EES file will be included in the file.


-I indicates that the Integral table will not be included in the file.


Note:  This macro command requires installation of the MikTeX LaTeX software.  Instructions to install MikTeX in EES are provided here.



The LatexPDF macro command can be used in the Macro window, in a Macro (.emf) file, or with the $RunMacroAfter directive.  In the example below, a .pdf report is created and saved in a file having the same parent name as the EES file, but with a .pdf file name extension.  The Diagram window and Lookup tables are excluded from the report.




LatexPDF  F$ -D -L



