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PF louvered-fin h



The procedure: 


CHX_h_PF_Louvered_Fin(TypeHX$, m_dot, A_fr_tot, b_2, Fluid$, T, P:h)


provides the heat transfer coefficient associated with a louvered-fin compact heat exchanger surface.  These data are from Kays and London (1994).



TypeHX$: string identifying the geometry 

 3/8-6.06:  'PF_louvered-fin_38_606'

 3/8(a)-6.06: 'PF_louvered-fin_38a_606'

  1/2-6.06: 'PF_louvered-fin_12_606'

  1/2(a)-6.06: 'PF_louvered-fin_12a_606'

  3/8-8.7: 'PF_louvered-fin_38_87'

  3/8(a)-8.7: 'PF_louvered-fin_38a_87'

  3/16-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_316_111'

   1/4-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_14_111'

  1/4(b)-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_14b_111'

  3/8-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_38_111'

  3/8(b)-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_38b_111'

  1/2-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_12_111'

  3/4-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_34_111'

  3/4(b)-11.1: 'PF_louvered-fin_34b_111'


m_dot: mass flow rate (kg/s or lbm/hr)

A_fr_tot: total frontal area as viewed by the flow approaching the tube bank (m^2 or ft^2); note that this includes both the louvered fin channels and the space occupied by the other channels

b_2: the width between adjacent pin fin channels occupied by the other channels (m or ft)

Fluid$: string indicating the fluid type

T: temperature of the fluid (K, C, R, or F)

P: absolute pressure of the fluid (Pa, kPa, bar. MPa, atm, or psi)



h:  heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2-K or Btu/hr-ft^2-R) averaged over entire louvered fin surface (includes plates)



$UnitSystem SI Mass J K Pa 

$VarInfo h units=W/m^2-K


m_dot=0.7 [kg/s]

A_fr_tot=0.5 [m^2]

L=0.1 [m]


T=300 [K]

T_i=300 [K]

T_o=300 [K]

P=101325 [Pa]

b_2=0.01 [m]


CALL CHX_H_PF_Louvered_Fin('PF_louvered-fin_12a_606', m_dot, A_fr_tot, b_2, Fluid$, T, P:h)



h = 57.13 [W/m^2-K]}



Related procedures include:

Geometry Functions

Nondimensional Functions

Pressure Drop