Diagram Window
The Diagram window can be used in several ways. First, it provides a place to display graphic objects or text relating to the problem that is being solved. Second, the Diagram window can be used for both input and output of information thereby providing a graphic user interface. Third, in the Professional license, the Diagram Window is the focus of the animation capabilities. Importantly, the Diagram Window is the central focus for Distributable programs.
The graphics objects placed in the Diagram window can be simple shapes such as lines, circles or boxes that are drawn using the tools in EES or they can be complex graphics such as a picture or a scanned image copied from another application and pasted into the Diagram window. In the Professional license, formatted text, including equations, can be copied from a word processor and objects can be animated using the values of EES variables. The Diagram window has development and application modes. Changes in the Diagram window are made in the development mode. Check boxes and radio button controls can be placed on the Diagram window which, when selected, execute specified EES commands and equations.
The Diagram window is commonly used to display a schematic diagram of a system identifying state point locations to help interpret the equations in the Equations window. A Calculate button can be placed on the Diagram window to initiate the calculations. Input data can be read from the Diagram window and used in the calculations. The selected outputs can then be displayed on the Diagram window. With the Professional license , 'hot areas' can be defined that, when clicked, open additional child Diagram windows which, in turn, can have their own child Diagram windows. Buttons can be placed on the Diagram windows to save and load inputs, display plots, display a help file, link to other files and applications, and to print the window. With the Professional license, a picture that is stored in a any type of graphic format can be displayed on the button thereby allowing the appearance of the buttons to be customized.
Ctrl-D is a keyboard shortcut for the Diagram window. If the Diagram window is not foremost, Ctrl-D brings it to the front, making it visible if necessary. If the Diagram window is foremost, Ctrl-D toggles the visibility of the tool bar. (Clicking the A or D button at the upper right of the Diagram Window toolbar will also toggle the setting of application and development modes.) Shift-Ctrl-D toggles the visibility of the tool bar in the Diagram window and all child diagram windows. A status bar appears at the bottom of the Diagram window when the toolbar is visible.
Click on a topic for more information:
Development (toolbar) and Application Modes
Adding lines, arrows, boxes, and circles
Adding graphic items from a file
Adding graphic items from the Diagram Window palette
Adding Text, Inputs and Outputs in the Diagram Window
Adding Formatted Text (Professional version)
Adding a table containing text and output variables
Grouping Graphic Objects and Text
Using Drop-Down Lists to Set the Values of One or More EES Variables
Displaying a Plot in the Diagram Window
Selecting and Aligning Text and Graphic Items
Cut, Copy, and Paste Selected Text Items
Saving and Loading Diagram Inputs
Adding a Help button to the Diagram Window
Creating Links to other Programs
Creating Child Diagram Windows, Hot Areas, and Diagram Window tabs
Moving the Hot Area for a Child Diagram Window
Find an EES variable in the Diagram and Child Diagram Windows
Enter a file name into a string input variable