Contents - Index

File Information


The File Information command displays the following information about the currently open EES file.  



File Name:   Windows file name of the EES file.


File Size:  The number of bytes required to store the file.


File Date:  The date and time that the file was last saved.


EES Version:  The version of EES used to save the file.


License Number:  The license number of the EES program used to save the file.


File Opened:  The date and time that this file was opened by EES.


Pixels per inch:  The number of pixels per inch for the computer monitor used to save the fille.


Numerical format:  The numerical format is either EU or US.  The EU format uses a comma as a decimal separator whereas the US format using a decimal point. 


Number of Vars:  The number of variables defined in the main program in the Equations window when the file was saved.


RTF Codes:  RTF (Rich TextZ) Codes are used in the saved file for special formatting such as hyperlinks and text background colors.


Complex Mode:  Complex mode will be Yes if the file was saved while it was configured to do Complex math.


Syntax Highlighting:  Indicates whether or not syntax highlighting was enabled when the file was saved.