Books Using EES
As an EES user, you will likely be interested in the Mastering EES book. This book provides complete and readable information on the use of EES for both new and advanced users.
You may also be interested in the Introduction to Heat Transfer and the Heat Transfer textbooks by G.F. Nellis and S.A. Klein (the author of the EES program) and the Thermodynamics textbook by the same authors. These are the first textbooks to integrate EES and other modern computing tools directly with the application of engineering principles. An extensive heat transfer library for EES was developed in conjunction with the heat transfer textbooks and it is included with the Commercial and Professional versions. This library automates the computation of radiation view factors, conduction shape factors, convection heat transfer coefficients, fin efficiencies, and other heat transfer-related information. These textbooks provide many detailed examples that illustrate how EES can be used to solve realistic heat transfer and thermodynamics problems. Books that use EES are listed here.
Introduction to Heat Transfer
G.F. Nellis and S.A. Klein
Cambridge University Press, 2020
Download the EES example files for Introduction to Heat Transfer
Heat Transfer
G.F. Nellis and S.A. Klein
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Download the EES example files for Heat Transfer
S.A. Klein and G.F. Nellis
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Download the EES example files for Thermodynamics
Korean version, 2015
Principles of Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning in Buildings
J.W. Mitchell and J.E. Braun
Wiley, 2012
Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes
J.A. Duffie and W.A. Beckman
Wiley, 4th edition, 2013
Download the SETP4 library.
Thermodynamics and Heat Power
Kurt C. Rolle
Prentice-Hall, 2005, 6th ed.
ISBN 978-0-13-113928-2
Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps
Keith E. Herold, Reinhard Radermacher, and Sanford A. Klein
CRC Press, 1996 ISBN 997-80-84939-427-0
Download the EES problem files for Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps
Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps, 2nd Edition
Keith E. Herold, Reinhard Radermacher, and Sanford A. Klein
CRC Press,
2016 ISBN 978-1-4987-1434-1
Download the EES problem files for Absorption Chillers and Heat Pumps 2nd Edition
Crygenic Heat Transfer, 2nd Edition
Randall F. Barron and Gregory Nellis
Taylor & Francis, 2016
ISBN 978-1-48-222744-4
Termodinamica aplicada con EES
Torculo Artes Graficas.
ISBN: 978-84-8408-477-8
Deposito Legal: C 797-2008
Engineering Thermodynamics with Ees
Jos' a. Orosa; Armando C. Oliveira; Jose a. Orosa
ISBN: 978-38-4430-317-9