Unsolicited User Comments

  • I've been working with EES for almost three years, and it is wonderful. Thank you for developing this tool!

  • I have been using EES since 2007 and to this day it remains my preferred physics modeling tool.

  • Nearly every school I visit uses EES in thermo classes. It is a valuable tool. Thanks for sharing it with the world.

  • I love EES and its capabilities.

  • One of my absolutely favorite features of your outstanding EES program is the Units checking. It has saved my butt repeatedly. Another feature I love is the CONVERT routine.

  • I am a Masters student working with Dr. XXX on high temperature water splitting. When we called you to help us that day, you gave us a suggestion of using import export directives and parametric table in EES. That suggestion has helped the project immensely. Our computation time and space requirement has drastically reduced because of your valuable feedback. Thank you for your help.

  • I took Dr. XXX's Thermodynamics course in my first semester and since then I have become a huge fan of your Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer textbooks. On top of that, I just love the EES software and I hate it when someone calls it just a 'fancy thermodynamics calculator'. EES can accomplish many things than a fancy calculator. So, thanks a lot for making thermodynamics and heat transfer easier for students like me!

  • I think the popularity of EES is increasing and it should. I've been a huge fan since almost Day #1 when I was at [major corporation] in 1990's.

  • I must commend you for producing such a beautiful product, which is the most significant advancement in the area of first-principle modeling. You have done a remarkable job by producing EES.

  • I am sure a lot of people tell you how great EES is. Since my time at [XXX] in the 1990s, I have been using it and it is awesome.

  • It is a pleasure to hear from you. It took Thermodynamics class in Fall XXXX under you and that was one of the best courses I took at UW. I used EES whenever and wherever I could at UW and then during my time with R&D at XXX. Now that I have moved to [XXX], I still promote EES to students and researchers. It is a marvelous tool and I have immense respect for you and your team for developing and maintaining its brilliance all these years.

  • Your YouTube videos are a hit with the students -- they dramatically cut down my in-class instruction time, accelerating the learning process.

  • I truly appreciate your dedication and as a daily user of EES for the last 8 years – thanks!! Your software is excellent. It allows me to get to the physics and construct very quickly useful models like no other software I have ever seen.

  • EES is a very powerful software for Mechanical Engineers, I have resolved 95% of the problems I had encountered and I am pretty sure I will be able to resolve the other 5 % , It is a great honor for me personally to know that I spoke with Mr. Klein on the phone.

  • I've promoted EES through numerous publications and hundreds of thermal fluid students. I've enjoyed your brainchild for decades and I happily promote it.

  • Thanks for all your great work on EES throughout the decades. It makes teaching thermodynamics a joy.

  • I guess I hadn’t realized how accustomed I have become to using EES on a regular basis. Now that I’m in the book-writing business, I find EES invaluable in development of homework problems, and solving advanced problems.

  • It was a long time ago but I took one of your graduate thermodynamics classes in the early 90's and was a willing beta tester for EES. Have worked it into the curriculum and my research where ever I can make use of it.

  • At [XXX] we are very happy with the platform EES provides, combined with our creative minds we have done some really nice things with the program.

  • I am in the ME 201 lab tidying up and preparing for tomorrow’s lab as a handful of students are working on last week’s lab. I overheard the following conversation: Frosh A (without looking up): Are you doing this by hand or with EES? Frosh B (also without looking up): EES. Why would I do it by hand?

  • It’s a great, tool. Thanks

  • I love your EES software. It has made life so much easier.

  • I have great respect not only for the development of EES, but also for your way of writing books.

  • I was a former XXX student and loved this program. I want to show it to my management and prove it's benefits.

  • I'm amazed at how often I move back to EES. It's like loyal, capable, and honest friend!

  • Thanks for making this fantastic software.

  • I have been using EES for approximately 25 years (as a faculty and graduate student - it was crucial for my Master's research project)

  • And thank you for EES. It is an amazing tool for engineers.

  • EES is in my opinion the best software tool I have ever used.

  • In my view, EES has made a 'paradigm' change in the way that Engineering learning can be made available to our students.

  • My friends rave about this software, so I want to try it out. (regarding the Demo version)

  • I have been working for many years with EES and it is absolutely hands down my first choice for doing physical models.

  • I use EES on a daily basis, and don't know how I could work without it.

  • I have happily used EES for decades. I honestly believe that this package is a significant advancement in how we should do the first-principle modeling.

  • Might I say that I continue to be very impressed with EES. It's an extremely useful and practical program, and in my opinion is far better than Matlab or anything produced by Microsoft. I have been a happy EES user since before the turn of the century, and remain so today.

  • Thank you for your important work. Couldn't do my job without it.

  • EES is a key tool for me because I use it constantly across a range of consulting tasks and industries.

  • Thank you for your contribution to engineering with EES and the accompanying materials. I can only imagine how much time you have sacrificed to provide such useful tools and content.

  • I must say that EES is a fantastic software that I have used a lot in my work!

  • I've been an EES user for 15 years. I love EES.

  • Congratulations on the new look of EES, it looks really good on my high resolution screen.

  • I love ees.

  • Thank you very much for a very good software. I use it on a daily basis, and don't know how I could work without it.

  • We have used EES for studying various heat and mass transfer problems and have been astonished by the program's accuracy and efficiency.
  • If there is a survey or some other way to acknowledge the excellent customer service that you provided, please let me know.

  • Thanks so much for the fast responses. You and your team responded within a couple of hours last Saturday, and today was 1.5 hours! This is a great program and your customer service is top notch.

  • EES is one of the most useful programs I have ever used. I have been using it weekly since 93 to be exact.

  • Its really awesome software.
  • Awesome!
  • Your software is really valuable.
  • I am delighted with your software. It really has given me a new enthusiasm for engineering.
  • Thank you very much for your prompt reply ! I am impressed !
  • I really appreciate your superb support!
  • Thanks for making EES. It is a pleasure to use!
  • Thank you, great Software!
  • After many hours in BASIC of constructing polynomials for refrigerant properties, I discovered EES! Wonderful.
  • I've been a TkSolver user for MANY years and I like this environment much better.....
  • I just put together my first application, great program environment!!
  • I can't believe that it has been updated within 24 hours.!
  • EES has been a fantastic software and is working great for me. The system model I am working on right now would be a very tedious in Excel since it is an iterative process to determine steady state conditions. EES is able to run hundreds of scenarios for me almost instantly and then generate a nice 3D plot, which has been great for my analysis.
  • Such a reliable software.
  • Such a great product. I think people here are starting to catch on as they see what it can do, especially compared to the alternatives, which is often Excel + Refprop.
  • I am continually amazed at what EES can do.
  • P.S. EES is terrific. I can get quick and accurate results with complex problems.
  • EES is a great tool, and a big advancement for practical engineering.
  • Splendid app.
  • Thanks for creating this amazing set of videos for EES.
  • EES is such a powerful tool.
  • My college has a licensed copy of this wonderful program for teaching the course "Engineering Thermodynamics". All of us love it!!!
  • Thanks for your prompt support. And by the way, the feature with the tabs is great. I love it.
  • I am deeply grateful for your continued updates and support of EES!
  • I have been using EES since my college days. I love the software and its iterative solving capabilities.
  • I greatly appreciate your software.
  • By the way, I use EES all the time and love the program.
  • This is great how you respond to technical support issues!!
  • *five stars customer service*
  • I'm using EES for a bunch of activities at work and I love it!
  • I used an early version of EES in a prior life that was stellar.
  • Many thanks for your very prompt support.
  • No other tool has been as impactful as EES.
  • Huge fan of your work. EES is remarkably useful and stable.
  • It's always been a pleasure to work with EES which you have continuously improved over the years. Great software!
  • EES has always been the go-to software to use for engineering applications.
  • I am impressed with the quality and attention to detail of both EES and your textbooks.